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Eight years to the day.

Asked Modified Viewed 2,153 times
Homdax 10
  • Fusioneer, joined since
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The 24 of January at 12:22:56, European time, I will have been part of this community for exactly eight years.

I remember I wanted a Swedish NSS and got in to a fight with Keff because he had www.php-fusion.se and I had registered www.phpfusion.se and I claimed my spelling was right. I also recall rewriting an infusion which I then submitted to Rayxen for review and it seemed to me he changed just about all the code for something else.

Eventually I took over the site from Keff and never really got in to the coding bandwagon. I figured my cup of tea was more in to administering the community, moderation and support. To an extent I still do this, but today with focus on organizing the development of PHPFusion on the 8 site.

So I am all ears, what fun can you tell me of your time with me and PHPFusion?
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Just some Guy
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I'm only a blow-in with a paltry 6 years next March. It's been a hoot and a half. My fondest memories are of when I took over the running of the old Mods site. Shutting it down was one of the hardest decisions I had to make during my time as PM.
Good times :D
Still, no point looking backwards

Onwards and upwards ;)
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— 4 months later —
Chan 0
Lead Developer of PHP-Fusion
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I just download stuff here for all the years then. Muahaha.. I am the smartest one. Many years of download experience.
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Homdax 10
  • Fusioneer, joined since
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Just some Guy
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  • Started 91 threads in the forums
Chan 0
Lead Developer of PHP-Fusion
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  • Started 232 threads in the forums
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