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Free 3rd Party Commenting System

Asked Modified Viewed 2,760 times
Just some Guy
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You now avail of a free service from Livefyre. Just sign up for an account and they provide you with a simple 22 lines of code that you include wherever you want in your site or blog. To get the code just select "Custom" when signing up.

Here it is "fusionised"

echo "<!-- START: Livefyre Embed -->
<div id='livefyre-comments'></div>
<script type='text/javascript' src='http://zor.livefyre.com/wjs/v3.0/javascripts/livefyre.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
(function () {
    var articleId = fyre.conv.load.makeArticleId(null);
    fyre.conv.load({}, [{
        el: 'livefyre-comments',
        network: 'livefyre.com',
        siteId: 'xxxxxx',
        articleId: articleId,
        signed: false,
        collectionMeta: {
            articleId: articleId,
            url: fyre.conv.load.makeCollectionUrl(),
    }], function() {});
<!-- END: Livefyre Embed -->\n";

It will automatically give you your site ID.

You will can then go to Livefyre direct from your site and adjust settings or moderate the comments. It even has a built in "Profanity List" as well as other settings.
Considering this is free, it's pretty awesome :)
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A live example maybe?
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Tyler 10
Helping, would be pointing you in the right direction, not doing it all for you.
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For one this requires JS to be enabled. And we all know not everyone has it enabled.

Secondly it doesn't really make sense to have a third party store comments. If they were to go down or out of service it would impact your site.....

Good find but I don't think it is worth using in my opinion.
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Just some Guy
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@PolarFox: http://www.gplusphotopages.com/news.p...eadmore=65

Many people do not want to have to create an account to comment on a site. This offers a powerful alternative.

I've since discovered it doesn't differentiate between articles.php?id=5 and articles.php so it's not really suitable atm. I have emailed them about this and they've passed it on to their engineering team. If there is no fix the only solution would be a URL Rewrite mod to a site.
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Just some Guy
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Tyler 10
Helping, would be pointing you in the right direction, not doing it all for you.
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