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SVN Goes Live
I'm pleased to announce that the PHPFusion Core 7 SVN is now active. Although there is still much to do, the development team and I feel it is the right time for infusion, mod and theme developers to get working. This way we can be sure that everything is ready when v7 does get released officially. Note: Version 7 is still in it's alpha stage, we will not be providing any support until the final release. You use this version at your own risk. We do not recommend that you use this version on a live site. Please do not seek technical assistance from this site or any other support site. Thanks! An infusion developer kit is expected within the next day or so, followed by a number of guides over the coming weeks. You can browse the SVN here: php-fusion.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/php-fusion/. You can download the latest SVN release using an SVN client such as TortoiseSVN. The checkout URL is: https://php-fusion.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/php-fusion UPDATE: ** For now please post all v7 related discussions in their appropriate v7 forum. This is an effort to keep the forum organized and so the staff do not have to sift through numerous posts in other forums. There is also a separate forum for reporting bugs, this is temporary until we get a helpdesk or bug reporting system up. Please remember that staff do not support v7 and therefor will generally ignore these posts. Thanks. --Sheldon
March 21 2008 2 minutes
PHPFusion Core 7 Edition Progress
It has been a while since my last update regarding the progress of PHPFusion Core 7 Edition. I'm pleased to say that we have made excellent progress since the turn of the year. Whilst there is still quite a bit of work to do, I am confident that v7 will be released sometime around May 2008. We understand that developers are very keen to start work on their infusions and themes. We are seriously thinking about creating an SVN over at sourceforge. This would provide developers with access to v7, but we would not be providing support until the final release. We would like to hear your opinions before making any decision on this matter In the next month or so we will be launching a new helpdesk system in order to speed up support and improve bug tracking. We understand that users often find support slow and in some cases unhelpful. We are fully committed to ensuring that end users get the best possible support. That's all for now, stay tuned for more exciting developments!
March 12 2008 2 minutes
Azerbaijani Support Site
PHP Fusion is continuously growing at a steady pace and today we welcome the newest National Support Site for Azerbaijan. They have been around for awhile and are getting around pretty fine. I have a short message from KoLGe, the admin of the site: "Biz resmi destek sayti adini qazandigimizla fexr edirik ve Azerbaycan dilinde danishan insanlara destek vermeye shadiq. Umid edirik ki, bu layihenin inkishafina komek ede bileceyik." For those of you not familiar with the Azerbaijani language, here's a short translation:"We're proud to become an Official Support Site for PHP Fusion and are glad to help Azerbaijani-speaking people. We hope that we can contribute to this project." National Support Site for Azerbaijan Welcome to PHP Fusion, Azerbaijan!
March 02 2008 1 minutes
Christmas Message
On behalf of Team Fusion I wish our users a very Merry Christmas. 2007 has been a promising year for PHPFusion and we will be working hard in 2008 to deliver an even better CMS. PHPFusion Core 7 Edition is now in a critical stage of development. As you know I never commit to a time line regarding the completion of a new version. All I can say is that we want v7 to be perfect having learned valuable lessons during v6's evolution. So with 2008 on the horizon, we wish you a prosperous new year. I am very excited about what we can achieve in 2008 with one certainty, PHPFusion will continue it's evolution going from strength to strength. Thanks to the team that has been so supportive throughout the year and thanks to you, our incredible user/fan base.
December 23 2007 1 minutes
PHP Fusion 6.01.13 Update for 6.01.12
We have just released an update package for PHP Fusion v6.01.12 to v6.01.13. This is primiarly just a maintenance update which resolves a list of smaller issues such as minor bugs and fixes, w3c validation errors, etc. Thanks go to Kneekoo and IceWasp from the dev crew which put together this update package. As well as PMM for facilitating a few administrative duties. The dev crew is picking up the slack for Digitanium which will allow him more time to develop version 7. PHPFusion 6.01.13 Update FOR V6.01.12 ONLY (89K. PHPFusion 6.01.13 (2.04M. Detailed changes: View here. Updated 06/11/2007: A minor error has been fixed in the file called viewthread.php, located in the forum folder. Please update your viewthread.php from the latest update package or the CVS Browser. Thanks to IceWasp for pointing this out. Sorry for any inconvenience.
November 05 2007 2 minutes
PHPFusion v6.01.12
Updated 21/10/2007: Having returned from a 2 days absence I've been informed of a problem in polls_archive.php. This has now been fixed.Updated 19/10/2007: Admin activated registrtion reported broken. This has been fixed, please update your register.php from the latest update package or cvs.Updated 18/10/2007: A few users have reported problems with non email activated registration. A problem has been isolated in register.php and has now been fixed. I also forgot to include the updated polls_archive.php file. Both fixes have been added to the update package. Sorry for any inconvenience. As a part of our continued commitment to v6.01 we are pleased to have v6.01.12 available. This release fixes a number of long standing issues. We have integrated a new captcha code (from v7) which should stop non-human registrations. Secondly, we've added the double md5 hashed user passwords feature, again from v7. Finally, there are a number of security updates. v6.01.12 should make PHPFusion more secure than ever. For details on what's new click read more. Existing v6.01.11 users can download the file '6.01.12 Update for v6.01.11 and simply upload the included files and click upgrade under System Admin. if you are running an earlier version of 6.01.x you will first need to apply the previous updates first. The full sourceforge package has also been updated. PHPFusion 6.01.12 Update FOR V6.01.11 ONLY (40Kb). PHPFusion 6.01.12 (2.04Mb).
October 16 2007 3 minutes
PHPFusion makes it into Packt CMS Final
I am delighted to announce that PHPFusion is amongst the five nominations in two of the categories in the 2007 Open Source CMS Awards. The categories include Overall Winner and Best PHP Open Source CMS. I would like to say a very special thankyou to everyone who voted for us, and now it is time for one last vote. You can vote for your favorite CMS at http://www.packtpub.com/award. Thankyou for your amazing support and no matter what the outcome PHPFusion will continue to evolve. Direct Links: Overall Winner Best PHP Open Source CMS
September 11 2007 1 minutes
Site upgrade
As you can see PHPFusion has a new look! We are now running v7 which represents an advanced alpha version. This does not mean that v7 is ready for release, in fact there is still plenty of work to be done. Much of the foundation work is complete on which we can add much requested new features. You should see quite a bit of work being done over the next month or so. Unfortunately we have not progressed as fast as we had expected, this is simply due to lack of time due to personal issues. We are extremely excited about v7 and are determined to ensure that the new release is of the highest standard. We know exactly what needs to be implemented and we are working as fast as possible to reach the beta phase. At this moment it is not possible to give a precise release date but we are aiming to have it ready by the end of 2007. We are just as eager as you to get v7 complete, but I am certain that you will agree it is best not to rush development, especially as this is such a major upgrade from previous versions. We will keep you informed about our progress on a regular basis from now on. Be sure to keep an eye on the official development log and if you have any requests or ideas that may make PHPFusion better, feel free to post them in the feature requests forum. The Development Team.
August 21 2007 2 minutes
More expansion...
A bit late, due to summer vacation, I have the pleasure and honour to introduce the next addition to the growing family of PHP Fusion Support Sites, the Czech Support Site. Go check their site out: Czech Support Site Welcome, let's rock the boat!
July 26 2007 1 minute
Let's have some samba!
It's always a pleasure to welcome new Official Support Sites and this is a really good one, unless I'm mistaken it's our first one ever on the American continent, let's welcome The Brazilian Support Site! A few words from IceWasp: "I'm very pleased for the opportunity to support PHPFusion to all the community of portuguese speaking people, who are always present in open-source software projects and now also in PHPFusion. I believe the potential of this international project and that the new Brazilian Official PHPFusion support site can contribute on it." Check it out on the Brazilian Support Site.
June 29 2007 1 minute
Welcome Slovakia!
Today we have the pleasure to welcome the latest addition to our International Support Sites, the Slovakian site. Thomas - SVK who is the main man over there has the following to say: "I'm pleased, that I can support this project and that the slovak speaking people have possibility to contribute and visit the new PHPFusion Official Support Site in Slovakia too. I hope that so I can contribute in this project." We welcome you all and wish you the very best of luck! Get on over and have a peek! Slovakian Support Site
June 16 2007 1 minute
Secondary XSS fixes (6.01.8)
Some of you may have noticed yesterday in the shoutbox that a new exploit had been discovered. I am pleased to say that these issues have now been corrected and the patch is now available for download. The files affected include forum/postify.php and forum/viewthread.php. For details of the exact updates please refer to the CVS. Credit: BloodKiller. Existing v6.01.6 and 6.01.7 users can download the file '6.01.8 Update for v6.01.6/7 and simply upload the included files and click upgrade under System Admin. The full sourceforge package has been updated. PHPFusion 6.01.8 Update FOR V6.01.6 and 6.01.7 ONLY (6Kb). PHPFusion 6.01.8 (2.04Mb). While I am on this issue, I would like to say that while I appreciate users reporting discovered exploits I do not appreciate being held to ransom, I will co-operate with anyone who operates in the correct manner, however, the behaviour of certain individuals in the last few weeks is nothing short of unacceptable. I do not wish to name any names but I will say that anyone who acts maliciously against this community in the future will be banned for life, no second chances. I am sick and tired of people thinking they can take me and this community for a ride. It ends here and now. That's all I have to say. Thank you.
March 04 2007 2 minutes
Spanish Support Site is open!
For all of our member around the World who speak Spanish, today we have the pleasure to welcome our newest Support Site. En Español! Here's a few words from NobNob, the Spanish SA: "We are very pleased of being able to give support to the whole community of Spanish-speaking users from the new PHPFusion Official Support Site in Spanish, from where we hope to be able to contribute actively in the development of this magnificent project". Let's repeat that in Spanish: "Estamos muy complacidos de poder dar soporte a toda la comunidad de usuarios hispanohablantes desde el nuevo Sitio Oficial de Soporte en Español de PHPFusion, desde donde esperamos poder contribuir activamente en el desarrollo de este magnífico proyecto". The Staff at the Spanish Support Site looks like this, today: NobNob - Super Administrator Elvenelf - Administrator Homy - Administrator The Spanish Support Site can be found right here: Spanish Support Site Bienvenidos! Update: The Spanish NSS can currently be found at: http://php-fusion.uni.cc/ [temporary]
February 03 2007 2 minutes
Project Status
It has been a while since I posted news regarding development of PHPFusion. We don't exactly know where we're going at the moment, but it is looking likely that we will be moving up to version 7 rather than version 6.02. The main reason for this is that the core is currently under going a major overhaul as the existing core is somewhat out of date. In order to accommodate the number of requested new features we are having to rewrite quite a bit of code (quite a bit has not been updated at all since version 3x). We are fully focused on making PHPFusion a fuller and more complete cms whilst maintaining my philosophy of a light weight system. In terms of compatability it is going to be difficult to include full backward compatability with existing version 6 mods, infusions and themes given the work we will be doing. Of course you can be sure that we will make any upgrade process as painless as possible. Release date? Well, without claiming to be phsycic it's likely to be a good 3 to 4 months before we are anywhere near a release. So please, no more asking when, you will know when we know and that's the truth, honest! On a final note, over recent weeks I have received a number of emails from individuals seeking support. please do not waste your time in seeking support directly from me unless it is a very serious issue such as the end of the world!
February 02 2007 2 minutes
Downtime in Sweden and Denmark
Due to a planned upgrade of the dbasesystem on the host for the Swedish and Danish sites there may be a downtime for as long as Sunday 21st of February. That also includes all customers of the Surftown Corporation. All sites should work without compability problems as soon as they crank the system up again. Until then, enjoy life! UPDATE: Both sites are up and running as of now.
January 19 2007 1 minute