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PHPFusion 9 RC 4 Available
About 4 months have passed since we released PHPFusion 9.0 RC 3. Our new Main site based on PHPFusion 9 are progressing very well, however we are not quite ready yet. Please see the News image. The main reason to why we postpone the sharp release is because we want to launch PHPFusion 9 with the new Main site. In order to complete the new Main site based on 9 as we want it, we were lacking a tool. This tool are mentioned in the non-official Development plan for 9.x. We decided to complete this tool for the initial 9 release and utilize it on the new Main site. The tool I am talking about here is a comprehensive site builder tool for your site. It is simply not that easy to build a customized front page with your personal touch today. You will for example still need to master some basic coding. The goal is to eliminate that with this tool. Over 97 Reported issues on Github have been settled since RC 3, as always there have been a ton of adjustments and various additional improvements applied. But as you can see, the amount of issues are declining for each RC and this is the first one we release with a blank page of issues. Yes, you read it right, there are virtually no known issues in this writing moment. We have noticed a larger public on PHPFusion 9 platform and that is a good sign, with the RC 4 we hope to increase the user pool for PHPFusion 9. Download PHPFusion 9 RC 4 here
August 09 2016 13 minutes
PHPFusion 9 RC 2 Available
Almost a month have passed since we released PHPFusion 9.0 RC 1. Over 90 Reported issues on Github have been settled, just as many adjustments and various additional fixes have been applied. The PHPFusion Community have been very helpful and overwhelmingly positive to the Development of this version. We are getting closer to perfection by the day. I would like to give a huge Thank You to everyone involved! Download PHPFusion 9 RC 2 here
January 18 2016 10 minutes
PHPFusion 9 RC 1 Available
The wait have been long, The Development have been longer. If we made a full change log it would be a complete book to read. Instead we will give you some reminders of what we promised to deliver and some of the highlights PHPFusion 9 offers. We put the bar high with some really high goals and ambitions in the Development Plan made 10/09/2013. I am proud over the fact that basically all the major milestones we had set for PHPFusion 9 in the Development Plan have been more than fulfilled. Download PHPFusion 9 RC 1 here
December 23 2015 19 minutes
PHPFusion 9.0 Beta
PHPFusion 9.0 Beta We want to invite everyone to test and improve this beta version with us. You will always be able to download the latest beta from Here We will keep this beta as a floating one, meaning that fixes can and will happened on a daily basis for the download above. Please report any problems you have in our open PHPFusion 9 Beta Forum We do not expect the beta to run more than 1 month. I would like to take a moment and explain why we will call this version for PHPFusion 9.0. Only because of the confusion it may cause since PHPFusion 8 was next in line. A lot of people have pointed out the fact that we have been on Version 7 for years. The same people also stress that this is one very strong version we are releasing. We could not agree more, naturally we also have that feeling, after all, that is why we release it. Let me explain the versioning in PHPFusion. Our versioning is not that complex as it may seem to be at a first glance. PHPFusion have 3 steps with more than enough possibilities for our needs. In the version as we have today - 7.02.07, The 7 is the branch version. The .02 is the Major version within the 7 branch. The .07 is a Lesser version within the 7.02 branch. A Branch version contains many significant features and functions not seen in the previous branch. A lot of documentation will be required for all the new features and functions introduced. A Major version can contain larger functional changes that may have an impact on the system and it´s way to handle things. A Major upgrade will require that you have some basic knowledge of the changes made, in order to make a safe transition from your previous version. A Lesser version is not allowed to have any structural or functional changes. The upgrade need to be fairly simple. This PHPFusion version actually contain just about all improvements and even some of the items from the wish list initially planned for PHPFusion 8. We have taken the Development for Tesseract much further than the initial Development plan, promoting it as PHPFusion 8. If we were to launch an PHPFusion 8.0 that did not do the things we have completed and displayed to the public for Tesseract, people would simply become disappointed. That´s why we will start a new chapter with PHPFusion 9 while the Development for Tesseract continues. Tesserect will most likely be a version 10, for now we just call it Tesseract. It have been our plan to continue the Development of PHPFusion 7 after the release of Tesseract. We believe that the two versions will work well with different paths of what they are good at. Tesseract need a lot of more Development hours before it is ready for a public release. With the above in mind it makes a lot of sense to spend a couple of months to Finnish PHPFusion 9 with the features we could before releasing Tesseract. Current PHPFusion 9.0 ChangeLog , Introducing SEO - A fully integrated and comprehensive SEO engine built for PHPFusion with it´s own Administration. The SEO Engine utilize modules for it´s rules. These modules can be enabled or disabled with a click of a button ( Enable / Disable ) for each native section such as , News, Forums, Articles, Photogallery, Downloads, User Profile, Web links, Submissions, Search, Login/Logout, Print Pages, Messages etc. Introducing Multilingual Features - PHPFusion have from this day forth a full core support for Multilingual content together with several relevant API´s that have been developed for smooth and easy implementations for your Infusions and for it´s settings. Multilingual support have been implemented in all native Infusions. Introducing PDO Functions - PHPFusion can now be run with full PDO support. PDO provides a data-access abstraction layer, which means that, regardless of which database you"re using, you use the same functions to issue queries and fetch data. The PHP Data Objects (PDO) extension defines a light-weight, consistent interface for accessing databases in PHP. "PDO does not provide a database abstraction, it does not rewrite SQL or emulate missing features". Meaning that we still base our calls on MySQL. Introducing User Fields API 1.2 - Now supporting off userDB tables, which allows to extend User Fields to End application level, if you want to link Ebay account into PF, now you can. You can create an endless menu with customized classes in profile with this. Introducing customized error messages with the help of error.php and .htaccess - We use localized text and images for the error reporting of the following HTTP errors, ErrorDocument 400, ErrorDocument 401, ErrorDocument 403, ErrorDocument 404, ErrorDocument 500 Introducing Administration area Theming capabilities - You can now create your own customized Themes for the Administration area. Introducing Bootstrap support - Bootstrap 3.2 are now loaded with our Core. You can toggle it from main settings. Introducing new login methods, you can select between user name and email or both. (Administration > Settings > Misc). Introducing Email templates - You can now have customized emails sent for Contact, Notification PM , Notification threads. Introducing Two new panel positions - AU_CENTER ( Above upper center ) and BL_CENTER (Below Lower Center). The idea is to enable two extra panel positions that have full theme width like subheader and footer while these positions can be populated with panel content like any other panel position via the Panel Administration. Panels can also be enabled for only a few selected languages or all enabled languages. Introducing User Blacklisting function - Now Users can block each other and apply user blocking actions. Introducing Tokens - We now inject Tokens to forms in order to prevent both bots and hacking attempts, Session is created for tokens in maincore.php. Added a new Stock Theme Called Venus have been created and are included as the default theme for the new Administration area. Added a new Stock Theme, Bootstrapped to act as default theme, Fully responsive with custom login template. Added a standard mobile menu. Added a new login template for Administration access instead of Admin password within the Area. Added a new RSS Feeds Panel for News, Forums, Downloads, Articles, Web Links. Added locale files for errors in all admin pages. Added new content indicator icons added, hot, attach, image_attach, poll in Forums. Added a MIME file type check setting toggler can be found in Misc settings. Added a option to add forum category description. Added a option to show last user post avatar in forum. Added a themes/templates/default.css which will contain some default css rules. Added /images/flags for each country. Added a forum index was reformatted to be a bit more semantic and added more css classes. Added an Alert before deleting comment. Added Threads per page, Posts per page in Administration > Settings > Items per page. Added html_entity_decode() to the short description box in downloads.php. Added function output handling to add add_to_jquery() was introduced to semantically add Jquery scripts across files. Added functions in footer, header, admin header, admin_header_mce to support SEO, and the new Admin Theme. Added Entypo icons as basic default icon selection. Added Notification UI query stacks - Pulled from Tesseract - function notify();. Added Jquery cookie https://github.com/carhartl/jquery-cookie to core pack includes/. Added Js table sorter - http://tablesorter.com Added Filter for JS based Bootstrap page navigation Added Chain select library - pulled from Tesseract for double chain selections.http://www.appelsiini.net/projects/lazyload) - supported by form_select(); Added Fusion Dynamics and Fusion Defender - 2 out of 5 development branches made for Tesseract to 9. The Fusion Dynamics - is functional form builder components. The Fusion Defender - is a new security class. Added Auto validation of sessions and fields generated by Dyanamics. Added Auto Field Validation - 1. added text validation for Dynamics. 2. added number validation for Dynamics. 3. added email validation for Dynamics. 4. added required validation for Dyanmics. 5. added file checking and file uploading for Dynamics. 6. Retrenched other types reserved for Tesseract. Dynamics API to Core, - Complete rewrite of all admin files. - Dynamics should be read together with Bootstrap 3.2 integration as default HTML markup selection. - Dynamics should be read together with latest Jquery output handling. - Dynamics should be read together with Defender. - Following Inputs introduced , 1. text field 2. text area field 3. select2 js (http://ivaynberg.github.io/select2/) for dropdowns 4. toggle switches (http://www.bootstrap-switch.org/) for checkboxes 5. ajax user search - off branch select2(); 6. colorpicker - (http://www.eyecon.ro/bootstrap-colorpicker/) 7. Datepicker Calendar - (http://eonasdan.github.io/bootstrap-datetimepicker/) 8. File input - (https://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput) Extended Quote BBcode. Extended Quote optimizations. Updated BBCodes to support PHP 5.5 Updated phpmailer class from 5.2.6 to 5.2.8. Updated TinyMCE editor to 4.0. Updated jQuery version. Updated Colorbox version. Updated colorbox.css. Updated db_backup.php. Changed Panel Administration - We wanted to make it more interesting - Panel Admin is now more visual. Changed User info Panel - Avatar, messages box statusbars and some more standard options have been implemented. Changed user signature from TEXT to VARCHAR(500). Changed forum_threads_panel - Now follows the Threads per page setting as limit. Changed Search.php have been rewritten for SEO modules to work - All themes need to update theme’s form method=get to method=post to support SEO. Fixed a bug in cleanup process after a user is deleted. Fixed IP Ban range issues in IP_handling_include.php. Fixed an issue in setup.php. Fixed a problem with index.php as starting page if the opening page are empty. Fixed Deprecated: preg_replace() in url_bbcode_include.php. Fixed and tweaked ICQ bbcode. Fixed Avatar resize bug. Fixed a bug with show/hide signature Fixed a unset error in maincore.php Fixed HTML typos in blacklist, errors, articles, login and news. Fixed a panel restriction bug. Fixed a potential url issue in viewthread.php. Replaced PHPFusion Admin Icons. Replaced many & with &. Replaced All html hardcoded forms, the entire system have been replaced with Fusion Dynamics. jscript.js Has been beautified in order to facilitate further modifications. Optimized some images using Smush.it. Setup Has been beautified Removed Admin password requirement inside varius Admin sections Removed tbl2 from maintenance.php Removed "correctPNG()" function in jscript.php Removed the MSN user field Removed readarticle.php. Removed hidden text from search results.
October 03 2014 32 minutes
Themes database is about to go wild
I feel that we have been lacking in our distribution when it comes to themes from our AddonDB, currently we only host 120ish themes here on PHPFusion Main. There have been thousands of theme´s made for PHPFusion over the years, our current database is simply not reflecting this fact at all. We do not even have that much of a variety in our Themes. With that said, we have seen some awesome themes uploaded recently.
February 19 2014 6 minutes
Update v7.02.07 released
Critical patch v7.02.07 released! Since our last patch we"ve discovered several security vulnerabilities that were not adressed in that patch, which have had us working really hard to release a major patch with all critical vulnerabilities tight shut once and for all, and also some bug´s have been adjusted. Since this patch adresses several critical security vulnerabilities, we strongly recommend every single user out there to upgrade to this patch. The version number is v7.02.07 and below follows a list of what"s been adressed. Download upgrade here : PHPFusion 7.02.07-Update Download full version here : PHPFusion 7.02.07
June 18 2013 6 minutes
PHPFusion v7.02.06
I am pleased to announce the availability of PHPFusion v7.02.06. Update: PHPFusion v7.02.06 Update Full package: PHPFusion v7.02.06 This version is a minor clean-up, where several vulnerabilities have been fixed. PHPFusion v7.02.06 is expected to represent the end of life for the PHPFusion 7.02. A special thank you to Janek Vind for reporting several vulnerabilities. Christian Damsgaard Jørgensen, PHPFusion Lead Developer
January 27 2013 1 minute
PHPFusion v7.02.00 Released
PHP Fusion v7.02 has been released today! Many thanks to MarcusG, gh0st2k and everyone else who participated in getting this upgrade stable. This is a major update featuring many new cool additions and upgrades. Read On...
April 11 2011 2 minutes
PHPFusion v7.01.05
We're pleased to announce that the final release of PHPFusion v7.01.05 is available. Same procedure as usual: Update: PHPFusion v7.01.05 Update Full package: PHPFusion v7.01.05 Locale changes: PHPFusion Dev - v7.01.05 Locale Changes Please refer to the roadmap for a complete list of completed roadmap items for v7.01.05. Christian Damsgaard Jørgensen, PHPFusion v7.01.xx Development Supervisor
February 21 2011 1 minutes
PHPFusion v7.01.04
Hello fellow fusioneers! I'm proud to announce that the final release of PHPFusion v7.01.04 is available! Update: PHPFusion v7.01.04 Update Full package: PHPFusion v7.01.04 Please refer to our roadmap for a complete list of completed roadmap items for v7.01.04. A special thanks to MarcusG and gh0st2k, who pulled a heavy load - very well done! Christian Damsgaard Jørgensen, PHPFusion v7.01.xx Development Supervisor
January 21 2011 1 minutes