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PHPFusion v6.01.2 Released
As promised PHPFusion 6.01.2 is now available for download. This updated release contains fixes for all of the bugs reported since the release of v6.01.1 on Monday. I'm very pleased with the new version, and the feedback has been tremendous. I fully appreciate all positive and negative comments, we do our very best to add as many features as possible to each version. I realise some elements, particularly the forum, need attention and I will look to address things soon. Thanks! Existing v6.01.1 users can download the file '6.01.2 Update for v6.01.1' and simply upload the inluded files and click upgrade under System Admin. For those of you who have not yet upgraded, the full sourceforge package has been updated. Click Read More for a full list of changes. PHPFusion 6.01.2 (2.04Mb). PHPFusion 6.01.2 Update FOR V6.01.1 ONLY (356Kb).
June 16 2006 3 minutes
PHPFusion v6.01.1 Released!
Are you ready? PHPFusion v6.01.1 is now officially available for download. To clear up any confusion, v6.01.1 has been developed under v6.00.400 as we weren't entirely sure how far we would go initially, but with all the changes involved we felt it was prudent to call it a major update. v6.01.1 includes a number of new features, security and performance improvements and updates. The release of v6.01.1 was delayed due to a few issues with servers running with safemode on. This required some minor recoding of some of the new features including the new db backup and photo gallery. I've produced a gallery converter infusion so you can easily import your existing albums from v6.00.xxx. Please note that the old photo gallery mods and infusions are not compatible with the new photo gallery, but I'm sure updated versions will become available soon. Important: If you are upgrading to PHPFusion v6.01.1 from v6.00.xxx please note that your photoalbums and photos tables will be renamed during the upgrade process to allow the creation of the new photoalbums and photos tables. All data and images will be preserved and can be transferred using the aforementioned photo converter. Update: I've just discovered a mistake in a definition in the gallery files. If you've already updated to 6.01.1 please upload the following from the updated sourceforge package: administration/photoalbums.php, administration/photos.php, administration/submissions.php, photogallery.php and showphoto.php. For a full list of all of the new features and updates, please click Read More. PHPFusion v6.01.1 1.90Mb Photo Converter Infusion 5Kb Note: TinyMCE only contains English language files. You can download other language packs from Moxiecode at: tinymce.moxiecode.com/language.php
June 12 2006 6 minutes
Final New messages.php
02-06-2006 : I've corrected one final issue with unlimited message values today, please update one last time Okay it wasn't a complete success yesterday, but, good news folks, the new messages.php script is now fully complete and should be in full working order. It is a direct replacement for the original troublesome script. The old script had serious security flaws that we simply could not fix, so I took on the challenge to rewrite it from scratch. You can download it now as a single file, the .307 sourceforge packages have also been updated. Thanks for your patience and remember, coding is a fine art Update: I've updated a few elements of code to support unlimited box settings and improved savebox handling Download secured messages.php
June 01 2006 2 minutes
PHPFusion v6.00.4 news
With all the chaos regarding recent server issues PHPFusion v6.00.4 has been delayed. The beta team have discovered a few problems with Safe Mode enabled hosts. These issues require some minor recoding which should be complete next week. It's also likely that we will be transferring this site to a dedicated host (depending on how Servage copes over the next week). Be assured that PHPFusion v6.00.4 will be released as soon as humanly possible, hopefully within the next two weeks
May 16 2006 1 minute
PHPFusion 6.00.4 Soon
Yes we know you're all desperate to get your mits on PHPFusion 6.00.4. We're almost done and a final beta should be complete by the end of next week. I'm sure you'll prefer a quality bug free version rather than a bug ridden farce, so I just ask for your patience as we prepare the release. Our hosting issue remains unresolved but I am currently working on a number of mysql query optimisations. I believe we can decrease our mysql load quite significantly by joining some queries. This process will take time so please do not panic, if you see the max_questions error simply wait a few minutes and try again. Look out for PHPFusion 6.00.4 later next week.
May 06 2006 1 minutes
PHPFusion 6.00.4 News
PHPFusion 6.00.4 is coming on nicely but there is still no release date set. I want to add a number of much requested features as well as improving some existing features. I'm pleased to reveal that there will an infusion made available which will convert your photogallery to the new 6.00.4 version which is much more advanced than its predecessor. PHPFusion 6.00.4 should be beta ready later this month with a view to a full release in early May if not a bit sooner. Sorry if things are a bit slow on the development side at the moment but I have had a lot to deal with in real life recently
April 02 2006 1 minutes
Welcome Back
Phew, that has to be one of the longest weeks ever. We outgrew our old host and on Sunday I was asked to seek new hosting as php-fusion.co.uk was in the top 5 most busiest sites. It has been a titanic struggle to transfer the database, especially our forum posts! But we're back and we're ready to press on with the development of the next release.
March 24 2006 1 minute
Critical update - v6.00.305
As I promised a few days ago, I have received the required information to release a fix to close the vulnerability responsible for last week's security breach. Due to the nature of this exploit I am not able to disclose the exact details, only that it involves avatar files. The problem is fixed in this update. Credit for this discovery goes to the International Flooders Federation (IFF). I would like to thank Slash and his group for their full co-operation Existing v6.00.304 users can download the file '6.00.305 update for v6.00.304'. If you are using an earlier 6.00.3 version ensure you upgrade to v6.00.304 before applying this update. Simply upload the inluded files and click upgrade under System Admin. The Sourceforge packages have also been updated as usual. Click Read more for manual update details. Download PHPFusion 6.00.305 Update for v6.00.304 (5Kb).
March 12 2006 4 minutes
PHPFusion 6.00.4 Progress update
It's been a while since I posted some news, so here we go. PHPFusion 6.00.4 is progressing quite steadily and should be ready for testing in a month or so. The new photo gallery is starting to take shape, but there is still a fair bit to do, though it'll definitely be ready in time for v6.00.4. As you know we were planning to launch a club membership to offer high quality themes, mods and infusions. However, public opinion has been extremely divided and because I don't want risk damaging our community unity we feel that this is not the right time to introduce the club scheme. So for now the idea is shelved and we will rely on donations for the time being I going to develop a new support system to help us keep track of everyone's technical problems as I am aware support has slipped somewhat over the last few months. We Hope we can improve our structuring to accommodate our growing user base. Thanks to everyone for their excellent support.
February 17 2006 2 minutes
Regarding copyright
As of today we are no longer charging a fee for copyright removal. We hope that you will retain our copyright notice as a matter of respect for the hard work we continue to put in PHPFusion. If you do decide to remove our copyright notice please consider making a donation. We all want PHPFusion to remain open source and we do not feel that it is realistic to change our license. We are planning to open a PHPFusion Club which will provide exclusive high quality themes, mods and infusions produced by a small team including myself. There will be an annual fee of around £10 - £15 (free to those who have previously payed for copyright removal). Further details will be made available as soon as we have them. I would like to emphasise that the club scheme will not affect the development or technical support of PHPFusion. I see no reason why everything should not continue as usual, we are simply ensuring PHPFusion fully complies with the true nature of the open source industry. Thanks to everyone for your outstanding support.
February 03 2006 2 minutes
No fee for copyright removal?
Over recent weeks I have received various e-mails and pm's regarding the charge we impose in order to allow the removal of the footer copyright notice. I am informed that this is not compliant to the true nature of open-source software. So, we're considering dropping the fee for copyright removal all together thus making PHPFusion fully open-source compliant. I know those of you who have paid for copyright removal will want to know what we are going to do. An option we are discussing is to launch a PHPFusion Club membership scheme which will provide access to exclusive items such as high quality themes, infusions and mods produced by the development crew. We are also considering an exclusive distribution of PHPFusion itself. Those who have paid for copyright removal will be given free club membership whilst new users will be able to join for an annual fee. Whatever happens PHPFusion development will continue as normal, whether you are a club member or not, you will always be able to download the very latest version as it becomes available. No decision has been made yet, we would however welcome any comments or questions regarding this matter. Update: For those who dont quite understand. PHP Fusion will remain OpenSource and FREE. However a membership/club which will offer member only Infusions/Mods/Themes for a membership fee etc is being considered. Exact details have not been finalized. I should also outline that while we are not charging for copyright removal at this point, however it is still very much illegal to remove the copyright footer without permission from Digitanium. Please bare with us. Thanks.
January 29 2006 2 minutes
PHPFusion 6.00.3 Released
PHPFusion 6.00.3 is now available for download. The main emphasis in this version is to further improve compatibility with the latest versions of MySQL 5 and PHP 5. There a few new features including an option in Main Settings to choose between single column or double column news. Also, center panels can now be shown on all pages rather than just the main page. TinyMCE has been upgraded to v2.0.1 final which is much more stable and includes better translations. Finally, a new simplified theme backend has been introduced and is used in 5 core themes including Prime, Phoenix, Showcase, Similitude and Simplicity. Please note: if you are running v6.00.2xx you can upgrade using the package PHPFusion-6.00.300 Upgrade which contains only the updated files (upload the files, then click Upgrade in System Admin), otherwise you should upgrade using the full PHPFusion-6.00.300 package. If you are going to upgrade from v6.00.1xx DO NOT overwrite your config. Download PHPFusion v6.00.300 (2.18Mb). Download PHPFusion v6.00.300 Upgrade (1.83Mb). Update: a few minor errors have been corrected and the packages have been updated. For details click Read More.
December 15 2005 3 minutes
PHPFusion copyright clarification
Due to an increasing number of PHPFusion site users removing the copyright notices without permission, we feel we need to clarify our position regarding this issue. As you know, PHPFusion is released under the terms and conditions of the GNU/GPL license (v2). Whilst you may alter the code in any way you wish, you should not remove the "Powered by PHPFusion" footer copyright notice, nor remove the copyright information from any of the included scripts without our permission. We're not demanding that you pay to use our system, all we're asking is that you show us your respect by retaining the "Powered by PHPFusion" footer copyright notice. If you really want to remove the footer copyright notice please refer to the PHPFusion Licensing page for prices and payment methods. Thank you very much.
December 13 2005 1 minutes
PHPFusion 6.00.3 Imminent
PHPFusion v6.00.3 will be ready sooner than planned. This release will be MySQL 5 compliant and will have a new news engine which will allow you to choose the style of news you want (Single or Double column). v6.00.3 will also have support for permanent center panels and will see the introduction of a simpler theme engine. I will be releasing an update pack for existing v6.00.2 users (fewer files need updating) as well as the full pack from which you will be able to install or upgrade from v4.01, v5.00, v5.01 or v6.00.1. The new version will be ready as soon as all of the translations are submitted.
December 05 2005 1 minute
The next version?
Now that PHPFusion is running steady again, we are starting to take ideas on board for the next release. I have already made an effort to make PHPFusion work with MySQL 5, which was a priority for me. I will probably release an update before the next release to deal with this issue. Developers should be sure to use full inserts in any mods or infusions to ensure compatibility with MySQL 5. We know that PHPFusion works perfectly under PHP 5 on Apache or IIS 5/6, so we're comfortable there. I'm looking at ways in which we can simplify certain areas, one of them beingthe theme engine. I've developed a prototype which could make the creation of themes a heck of a lot easier. I feel that some elements in the current theme.php can be confusing to the average user. Don't panic, all existing themes will work fine as they are, this idea is an addition to the current method. Whilst all ideas are taken seriously I do want to reiterate that I have no desire to over-develop PHPFusion, many other systems fall into this trap and personally I think it would be a tragedy to see PHPFusion lose the simplicity I yearned for when the project began. Thanks to everyone for making the PHPFusion such a warm and friendly community, long may it continue
November 29 2005 2 minutes