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PHPFusion v6.00.2 nearing completion
PHPFusion v6.00.2 is now in alpha testing and will enter beta next week. The final version is expected in around 2 weeks and will feature a host of new features and improvements. PHPFusion v6.00.2 will ship with a WYSIWYG editor called TinyMCE by moxiecode. You can use it to edit your articles or news and can be added to other admin panels if you wish to do so. Of course, advanced users will be able to disable TinyMCE via Misc Settings. PHPFusion v6.00.2 will certainly be more secure, v6.00.1 was hampered purely because we had to rewrite our security routines which was always going to need improvement. I'm positive that PHPFusion v6.00.2 will finally put our long term plan back on track after our setback in April this year and I hope you will find v6.00.2 an all round improved and much more stable CMS. There are a number of changes to the locale files, translators are encouraged to take a look at the v6.00.201 Locale changes thread in the Translation Center forum.
October 01 2005 2 minutes
Important Information
As PHPFusion continues to grow in popularity, demand for support is increasing. If you have a problem which you are unable to resolve please use the support forums and you will receive full support either from the development crew or from fellow PHPFusion users. Please DO NOT private message or email any of the development crew unless it is a major issue (i.e. security related). Thanks. Meanwhile PHPFusion 6.00.200 is progressing extremely well and I expect to release it to our internal beta team very soon with a full release expected mid October 2005. For a full run-down on the new features please refer to the PHPFusion v6.00.200 dev log.
September 12 2005 1 minute
How does it work?
This one has been a long time coming! PHPFusion now has a handbook thanks to the work of janmol from the Danish support site. Please note that you need a pdf viewer such as Adobe Acrobat in order to view the handbook. Thanks to janmol and the rest of our crew for their efforts. You can download the handbook in pdf format from here.
August 22 2005 1 minute
PHPFusion 6.00.200 dev update
Hi everyone, you may have noticed I'm not around much at the moment. I'm still recovering from my recent surgery and whilst I am getting better it is taking time. Having said that I am slowly working on v6.00.200 (v6 Revision 2) which will see a number of improvements and some added features. It's now very likely Rev. 2 will include the TinyMCE editor in news and article admin (can be enabled or disabled). Rev. 2 will also be fully W3C HTML 4.01 compliant with work already complete. You can keep tracks on progress by viewing the v6.00.200 dev log article. Look out for v6.00.200 somewhere around October 2005.
August 18 2005 1 minute
PHPFusion 6 options
It has been well documented that a commercial version of PHPFusion entitled PHPFusion Pro is in the works. Due to the amount of extra work involved we have delayed the release until the Autumn. In the meantime we have decided to provide some new options effective immediately. Note that these are OPTIONS not licenses. Copyright Removal - £50 This option allows you to remove the 'Powered by PHPFusion' footer copyright notice from one specified domain. You will receive written authorisation via email from the author (Digitanium) once your payment has been received. Standard Setup - £25 We will install one unmodified copy of PHPFusion for you on a server of your choice. The server must be running PHP4 and mySQL. We will require your ftp and database access details in order to install PHPFusion. Your details will be kept strictly confidential. Please note that we cannot install any modifications or infusions. For more information please refer to the PHPFusion Licensing page. Thanks!
July 26 2005 2 minutes
OpenInstaller includes PHP Fusion v6.00.106
Open Installer includes PHP Fusion v6.00.106 in their distribution. "Simply put the Open Installer is an open source script autoinstaller for the cPanel web hosting control panel." Those of you that have cPanel with your webhosts can now ask your host to include the OpenInstaller packages with their service. Note that OpenInstaller is 100% free. View the Official Announcement from OI here: http://openinstaller.com/
July 15 2005 1 minute
Upcoming plans
Now that I'm back to good health we're now focusing on our future. We have yet to decide on the features of a possible Pro version, or whether to simply charge a fee to allow removal of the footer copyright notice. I personally would prefer the latter, but I cannot make a decision until Janmol returns from his 5 week vacation at the end of the month. I'd just like to clarify that you can use PHPFusion v6 for any purpose, including commercial purposes. License holders from previous versions do have the right to remove the footer copyright notice, don't worry as we have a record of all license holders. Meanwhile v6.00.200 is now in it's early stages and we will be trying to add as many features as requested under the feature requests forum. The next release should be w3c html 4.01 compliant, mistermartin, Rayxen and I are currently validating segments of code. I will compile a fact sheet on what developers need to do to keep mods & infusions w3c compliant.
July 09 2005 1 minutes
Regarding commercial licenses
I'm getting a lot of emails from users enquiring about the purchase of a commercial license. Just to clarify, during our downtime we reviewed our licensing. As things stand, PHPFusion is released under the terms and conditions of version 2 of the GNU General Public License. For further information please visit www.gnu.org or refer to the gpl.txt file included in the distribution package. You can use PHPFusion for any purpose but must not remove the "Powered by PHPFusion" copyright notice nor remove the copyright information from any of the included scripts. Please see PHPFusion Licenses for full details. A commercial version entitled PHPFusion Pro is in the works and will be offered free to existing license holders. Pricing is yet to be finalised, and no firm details are availabe yet.
June 11 2005 1 minutes
PHPFusion 6 released
Just under 6 weeks after being removed, PHPFusion is back! Rather than go back, we dicided to go forward. Today we unveil PHPFusion 6, a vastly improved content management system. You can find out what has changed by viewing the v6 development log. Please be sure to read the included readme text file bfore installing or upgrading to PHPFusion 6. We have opened a set of dedicated support forums for v6, so if you have any problems at please report them in the relevant forum. Dont forget our Error Report system either In closing, I would like to thank the entire community for your incredible support over what I can only describe as the most testing time of PHPFusion's existence. I simply could not have bounced back so easily without you! I really do appreciate it. Special thanks to the dev team for their extra hard work, additional coding, design and input concepts. It's great to be back! Download PHPFusion 6 If you're upgrading from an older version, you may want to import your messages into v6. I've created an infusion for you entitled Old Messages Converter. Infuse it, use it, defuse it. Simple!
June 03 2005 2 minutes
Day of Redemption looms
5 weeks after being disolved, PHPFusion will return tomorrow. PHPFusion 6 represents a fresh start for me personally as I have had a chance to overhaul a number of core sub-routines. PHPFusion 6 is stronger, safer, better prepared, and most importantly maintains it's simplistic approach. There is no exact time planned for release, but look out for it from around 13:00 BST (GMT +1). This is only an estimate so please be patient Some folks have asked about PHPFusion Pro, an up-coming commercial version based on PHPFusion 6. Plans for such a version are only in the early stages, and we have a lot of preparation to do before we start work on it. PHPFusion Pro will be released under a private license which Janmol is producing and will probably ship in July or early August. There are no details available yet, but we will keep you aprised on the situation. Our focus right now is to get PHPFusion 6 back on the open source map, and to get all infusions and mods compatible with v6. All of these things will take time, and we will endeavor to do as much as we can to speed up this process. We're coming home!
June 02 2005 2 minutes
Infusion SDK for v6 is here!
Bada Bada Bing! With v6 on the home straight, I've prepared the infusion sdk! Developers note, infusions for v5x WILL NOT work in v6 without being updated to v6's new standard. I know its a pain, but hey, join the club! I don't know about you but I am ready to drop, what a month! Anyway, if you need samples, I have uploaded 3 infusions, so feel free to check out how things are changed. Files are available on the left under downloads. Super, smashin', Great!
May 28 2005 1 minute
PHPFusion 6 Release not being rushed
PHPFusion 6 is not due for release for at least another three weeks. Development has not yet reached the beta phase. We still have to sort out a couple of scripts and we want to ensure that everything is done 'by the book'. The last thing I want is a repeat of last month's events which rocked our community. It is important we get creditation correct in order to satisfy everyone and to avoid any future conflicts. We know you are eagar to get hold of PHPFusion 6, but we cannot release it until we are 100% satisfied, it may take time, but we will get there. Until then please try and be patient. Thanks!
May 13 2005 1 minute
PHPFusion 6 update
Another week of hard work has started to produce results. The dev team have been testing an early Alpha release and we have nearly ironed out most of the glitches. The admin panel is getting completely revamped, it has now been split up into 4 pages and the settings page has been divided into separate pages. Shedrock is working on a set of icons which will undoubtedly give the admin panel a unique look. It's great having a dedicated artwork team, because my graphics are pretty awful. The rest of the dev team are all helping to come up with new ideas which we hope to add during our redevelopment. A number of users have asked if v5.00 or v5.01 will be upgradable to v6. The answer is definitely yes, and we will provide full instructions when v6 is finally released. We continue to aim for an end of May release. Thank you for your support.
May 08 2005 1 minutes
v6 Progress Update
Hi everyone. I hope you are all well I just wanted to update everyone on our current situation. I've spent the last 5 days going over the main code of PHPFusion, and in that time I have managed to sort out a lot of changes. The install script for one has been completely rewritten, it's a little basic atm, but it does the job we need it to do. The language file system has also been replaced by a new system, we're calling it Locale, a generic variable array. It will certainly have our translators busy! I've also changed the folder structure because it was agreed our folder structure was too close to another system (No disrespect intended for not naming it). Don't worry, we will guide you all through the update precess when the time comes. We hope to be Alpha ready by Wednesday, then I and the dev team will complete the rest of the work. The Alpha release will not be available publicly.
May 02 2005 2 minutes