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Newsletters Infusion v1.2
I've updated my Newsletters infusion for the latest release of PHPFusion 5.01. It also improves mailing success if you have more than 99 members subscribed. Many web hosts prohibit sites from sending mails to more than 99 addresses at one time, so this new version splits bulk mails into banks of 99 users. This should prove more reliable than previous versions.
March 02 2005 1 minute
PHPFusion 5.01 Service Pack
As an on-going effort to improve PHPFusion 5.01's compatibility I've released a general service pack. This pack resolves issues with IIS 6 (typical Microsoft and their server software). I've also addressed the issues which arise if magic_quotes_gpc is turned off. There are some core alterations. notably to fusion_core.php. I recommend that you at least update this file along with the admin panels. I've included a complete rundown of all of the changes in the service pack zip (FileChanges.txt). The Sourceforge files have been updated to include all of these changes. Download PHPFusion 5.01 Service Pack (122Kb).
March 01 2005 1 minute
Infusion Update for PHPFusion 5
I was checking over the install script for v5.01 last night and discovered a mistake in the infusion database table setup. Rayxen reported an issue some time prior to v5.01's release regard the upgrade link in the infusion panel which should not always be visible. This was due to the fact that the version number was stored as an integer. I addressed this issue in the v5.01 upgrade script by changing the version column to varchar(10). For some reason I did not add this update to the installer, but this has now been corrected. For those of you who have installed PHPFusion v5.01 before today (February 27th) I have released a patch, Infusion Database Update, available for download from the PHPFusion Core section of downloads. Simply extract and upload the file infdbup.php to your server and execute it, e.g. www.mysite.com/infdbup.php. Delete the file after completion. This update will also work on v5.00. Those of you who upgraded to v5.01 from v5.00 do not need to worry about this issue.
February 27 2005 2 minutes
v5.01 Infusion confusion
Some of you are having difficulties accessing the infusion & panel editor admin panels. I'd like to point it out this is caused by Infusions that are not yet v5.01 compliant. The changes required can be found in the article PHPFusion 5.01 Code Changes. Please read this article before reporting any issues. Developers are currently updating their infusions as we speak. Thank you for your patience.
February 25 2005 1 minute
PHPFusion 5.01 Updates
As with any new release, a few minor glitches managed to find their way into the final release of PHPFusion 5.01. Existing users can simply download the file 5.01 update 23-02-2005 and upload the fixes. The sourceforge files have been updated to include todays fixes. The following files have been updated. · fusion_admin/custom_pages.php - corrected delete page routine. · fusion_admin/forums.php - corrected issues with moderator selection and a warning notice. · fusion_admin/photos.php - photo thumbnail is now deleted along with main photo · guestbook.php - fixed warning errors shown if php error reporting is too high. Download 5.01 update 23-02-2005 (11Kb). Download PHPFusion v5.01 (645Kb).
February 23 2005 1 minutes
PHPFusion 5.01 Final
PHPFusion 5.01 is now finished and available for download. v5.01 introduces a number of new features including a banning system (IP or email), user groups, forum moderator selection, easier admin management and a number of bug fixes. v5.01 is now compatible with more servers including Windows IIS 5 & 6. Please note that due to structural changes in code some v5.00 infusions and mods may not be compatible with v5.01, but mod coders are working on updated code for v5.01. Please read our new FAQ before posting any queries in the forums, I've opened a set of forums for v5.01 for support & bug reports. Once again I'd like to say a big thankyou to all of you who have supported me and our growing community over the past 2 years. Download PHPFusion v5.01 (645Kb).
February 22 2005 1 minutes
PHPFusion 5.01 Final on Tuesday
PHPFusion 5.01 will be released tomorrow (Tuesday). I know I mentioned today as the release date, but I want to tidy up a few bits of code, nothing major. I apologise for the delay, but I'm sure you'd rather get the finished product rather than have to patch minor problems later. The final release should be available from around 1:00 PM (UK Time). Thankyou for your patience.
February 21 2005 1 minute
Security issue forces core alteration
As you know I am always keeping tabs on security issues. After careful consideration I have decided that it would be much safer to store custom page content in the database rather than use flat files. I'd like to assure you that I have made this update as simple as possible, and it should not have any impact on performance. This update will make your site more secure and also make backups easier to do. The update pack contains 3 files, a replacement admin panel (custom_pages.php), and 2 files which should be placed in your main php-fusion folder (viewpage.php & dbup.php). Simply upload all of the files to the appropriate folder and then run the script dbup.php i.e. www.mydomain.com/dbup.php to transfer the pages into your database. You should delete the file dbup.php from your server after this step. Please note that you will need to update your custom page links from fusion_pages/index.php?page_id=x to viewpage.php?page_id=x where x is the page_id number. Once your satisfied with the update you are encouraged to delete the fusion_pages folder OR simply chmod it to 755. Download Custom Pages DB Update - for v5.01 RC3 and above. Updates for earlier versions will be released soon. The latest RC3 release includes this update. Thanks. Update I've fixed a number of small errors in the custom_pages.php admin file, please download the latest zip.
February 19 2005 2 minutes
Enhanced PM System for v5.01
I don't normally deviate from core work to mod updates, but to ease the load on Rayxen, I've updated the Enhanced PM System to work with todays v5.01 RC3 release. The pack contains only the message system files, you will need to do the core alterations manually. The Enhanced PM System will not work under IIS yet, but I'm working on it. You can get the Enhanced PM System from the download area. Update: The Enhanced PM System should now work on IIS based setups. I've also added the changed files to save you having to manually edit the various files as per the included instructions. Requires PHPFusion v5.01 RC3 14.02.2005.
February 14 2005 1 minute
PHPFusion 5.01 RC3 Update
PHPFusion 5.01 RC3 has been updated to resolve a few issues. I'm delighted to say that I have cured the issues with IIS. As some of you are aware, when running on IIS, PHPFusion had trouble inserting data, causing either a 404 or CGI error. Well after many hours of work, the problem is fixed. As a result of this fix, PHPFusion has a new definition FUSION_SELF, this replaces $PHP_SELF or $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], something for you modsters/developers to note! Complete list of fixes: · Various language file alterations & corrections. · PhotoGallery admin panel fixed. · Fixed Super Admin selection in upgrade.php script. · Added new definition to fusion_core.php define("FUSION_SELF", basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])); · Replaced $PHP_SELF with FUSION_SELF in all core files. Updated: I found a mistake in the upgrade script which may cause the database upgrade to fail. This has now been corrected. The IMG button in News & Articles admin have also been fixed.
February 14 2005 1 minutes
PHPFusion 5.01 Release Candidate 3
The 3rd and probably last Release Candidate of PHPFusion 5.01 is now available. I've added a number of small updates including: · Fully updated language files Danish, Dutch, English, German, Polish, Russian & Swedish · IP Address is now displayed in the member's profile (Members Admin Panel only). · Super Administrator title has been re-added to identify Site owner · Fixed lostpassword.php email formatting. · Fixed link to profile in shoutbox archive. Existing RC2 users can update their database by uploading the file updaterc3.php to your fusion folder. Then run the script, i.e. go to http://www.domain.com/updaterc3.php, follow the on-screen prompts. Don't forget to upload ALL of the new files from the html folder. When I say ALL I mean every single file! Download PHPFusion 5.01 RC3
February 13 2005 1 minutes
PHPFusion 5.01 Release Candidate 2
Right, PHPFusion 5.01 has moved up to Release Candidate 2. I've released this quick update to address a few critical updates, alterations and a new feature. Changes in this release are as follows: · News can now be assigned to Public, Members, Admins or User Group. · Site Links now only visible to selected user type or user group. · Custom pages now only visible to selected user type or user group. · Users removed from a user group now re-appear at the bottom of the left hand list. · Admins are now selected as default Forum Moderators. · Added v5.01 Swedish language fileset. · Added v5.01 Danish language fileset. 10-02-2005 updates added · Added v5.01 Dutch language fileset. · Added v5.01 German language fileset. · Added v5.01 Russian language fileset. · Fixed submissions.php admin file (news works again). · Fixed lostpassword.php sendemail error. Those of you running RC1 need to apply a database update. Simply paste the code below into a custom page and click Preview page:
February 09 2005 2 minutes
PHPFusion 5.01 Release Candidate 1
PHPFusion 5.01 Release Candidate 1 is now available for download. Please note that as a Release Candidate, this is not the final release. The purpose of this release has already been stated (see previous news item). Use this release at your own accord! PHPFusion 5.01 includes a number of structural changes which may disrupt mods or infusions developed for v5.00. Developers are advised to read the article 'PHPFusion 5.01 Code Changes'. All mods & infusions must be updated in accordance to the changes listed in this article. Please read the updated FAQs before asking questions, and if you can think of any questions we can add, let us know! Finally, please report any errors via the error reports system. Thanks all! Download PHPFusion 5.01 RC1 (English Only)
February 07 2005 1 minutes
PHPFusion 5.01 Release Candidate
PHPFusion 5.01 is technically finished, and it is now our intention to release a public release candidate. Just to clarify, a release candidate is not considered final, it may be subject to further alterations, thus it is classed unstable. The main aim of releasing the RC publicly is to allow developers to update any mods, infusions or themes. The RC will also only be supplied with English language files, but full details are available so translators can update the v5 language files. Once all translations are done and any bugs are ironed out, v5.01 final will be released. PHPFusion 5.01 Release Candidate 1 will be released next week.
February 05 2005 1 minute
PHPFusion 5.01 'ready for beta'
Hi folks. Sorry for the lack of news recently, I've had a few loose ends to tie up with Stargate Alpha following my stepping down as site developer. It's ironic how PHPFusion being a side project initially, has now taken over all of my development time. So, now you have my complete attention Yes I know you are anxiously awaiting the release of PHPFusion 5.01. I'm close to releasing the beta to my internal team. This should occur within the next 48 hours or so. In terms of final release you're looking at about 2 or 3 weeks depending on how well the pre-release code performs. I'm confident that everything should go smoothly. Thankyou for your continued support!
January 21 2005 1 minutes