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Beta releases
Despite public pressure, I would like emphasise that under no circumstances will any beta versions of PHPFusion be made publicly available. Any forum post, private message or email requesting any beta release files will be dismissed immediately. Thank you for your co-operation.
January 12 2005 1 minute
PHPFusion 5.01 beta soon
Well it's a new year and a new version of PHPFusion is on the way. v5.01 will see the addition of User Groups, an IP/email banning feature, Individual forum moderator selection and improved Administrator management. I hope the addition of these features will increase PHPFusion's reputation. I've also been working with PHP error reporting set to a high level, this should improve PHPFusion's general compatability. PHPFusion 5.01 will begin internal beta testing in 2 - 3 weeks. Announcing our new beta crew: CrappoMan, Evit, Helmuth, Janmol, KEFF, Rayxen, Sascha & Sheldon.
January 07 2005 1 minute
News / Read Article updated
Todays update doesn't involve any bugs, but more to do with improving performance in two key areas, news.php and readarticle.php. Stefan over at NBAinfo.dk reported the problem and thanks to him I've produced a much faster news/article sql call. You'll only notice the problem if you have a huge amount of news, articles and comments in your database, but I recommend you update these two files anyway. That's all Source Forge files updated.
December 28 2004 1 minute
Photogalley updates
Webbie has pointed out a mistake in fusion_core.php which affects the generation of thumbnails when creating new gallery albums or adding new photos. This has now be resolved and is in the latest 27.12 update pack. The update also includes a fixed photogallery.php pages which should see the end of the ugly mysql error. Todays updates include: · Added isset check to logout call in fusion_core.php [Line 162]. · Removed define("FUSION_PANELS", FUSION_BASE.$panels_folder) from fusion_core.php [Line 129]. · Fixed incorrect setting $settings['thumb_compression'] in createthumbnail function in fusion_core.php [Line 438]. · Replaced INNER JOIN with single JOIN in mysql call used to generate prev/next links of photogallery.php [Lines 42 & 43]. The Source Forge file has also been updated to include the above fixes.
December 27 2004 1 minutes
New languages and a few more updates.
Two new language file packs are now available for download. Kenneth Gundersen (KenGun) has produced Norwegian files, and Tiido Aasamets (Tiido) has produced Estonian files. I would like to thank you guys for contributing to our project I've updated some more files in the update pack and Source Forge file which conclude the last niggling typos. Hey, even I make mistakes ya know! Cheers.
December 23 2004 1 minute
PHPFusion 5 Final update
Christmas tidings. Today I have released a final update pack for PHPFusion 5. Important changes to note is a change in the sendemail call, this has required coding alterations to all files utilising sendmail, this also means you need to update your newsletter infusion (v1 is updated only here atm). I've also corrected a number of admin panels which contain a few logic errors. All users are encouraged to upgrade to this update. Note that the full pack hosted by Source Forge has been updated. Footnote: Source Forge file updated at 19:35pm GMT
December 22 2004 1 minute
PHPFusion 5 Updates
The updates continue today with a minor fix and single spelling correction. I expect these to be amongst the final niggles as the screw tightens. So here are those update details, and yes the full download pack has been updated. · Fixed Article Description escape slashes in submit.php [Line 155]. · Corrected LAN_505 spelling "added" in admin_weblinks.php language file (English). That's all folks!
December 19 2004 1 minute
Email validation vulnerability
Lamazoid raised an interesting question regarding the security of the email validation used to activate an account. Well as it turns out he was right to point out the problem, though it's not a serious issue. However it has now been improved by simply adding a random 7 letter mix into the md5 hash, not too difficult to do. So in todays update you'll find the updated register.php file You know the drill by now! Source forge files have also been updated, again! Cheers!
December 17 2004 1 minute
Articles Admin fixed
The articles.php admin file has been updated today in both the update and Source Forge file. It corrects the problem with changing the category in which the article resides, thanks to SKC for letting me investigate the problem. That should the last of any required updates. Thank you for your patience, I really appreciate it! Evening update: I've made some more changes to sendemail_include.php which has significantly improved mail delivery.
December 16 2004 1 minute
PHPFusion 5 Update 4
It looks like we've just about ironed out the minor glitches in PHPFusion 5, so I've added some more updates to the update file pack and the Source Forge download. Don't worry, these updates will not be a regular occurence, these minor glitches are common in new releaases, especially v5 because of such much new code. Updates are as follows: 15.12.2004 · Changed text ".$data['user_name']." to [USER_NAME] in lostpassword.php language file [Line 3]. · Fixed lostpassword.php to display correct user name by adding a second str_replace call [Line 26]. · Added 'fixed' Polish language files courtesy of Riklaunim. · Updated Dutch language files courtesy of Ronald Iwema (Scor3p). 14.12.2004 · Added new function 'phpentities()' to replace htmlentities function. · Replaced htmlentities function with phpentities function in articles.php [Line 61/62 & 103/104]. · Replaced htmlentities function with phpentities function in articles.php [Line 67/70 & 114/115].
December 15 2004 1 minutes
Character encoding fix
Today I've released an update to resolve issues with eastern language encoding in Articles & News admin. The issue was found to be caused by the use of htmlentities, a function we added to allow tutorial writers to write character codes. So ideally a replacement function was needed, and I've written my own variant, phpentities, it does what is only needed, and is far less destructive. As this is not yet officially integrated, I'm releasing these files as a seperate update, I'd like those of you running v5 in eastern languages such as Russian and Polish to try it out, if it works as expected I'll implement it officially. The update, Entities Fix is available in the downloads area under PHPFusion Core. Thanks!
December 14 2004 1 minutes
PHPFusion 5 Update 3
Just a couple of updates included today. · Corrected Publish Article mysql insert query in submissions.php (Admin) [Line 209]. · Added Dutch language files courtesy of Ronald Iwema (Scor3p). Available from downloads as an update and added to Source Forge files.
December 13 2004 1 minute
PHPFusion 5 Update 2
Some more minor changes have been made in accordance with yesterdays errors. I've discovered a missing new-line character in the Return-Path line of the sendemail function, this may fix the problem with non-recieved mail, we'll see if it's fixed, if not, well I'll keep working. Anyway the list of changes: · Added photo gallery css to Luna-G and Paradox themes styles.css. · Added missing line return to Return-Path in sendemail function. · Added sendemailfrom() function to sendemail_include.php. · Added sendemailfrom call in contact.php to send email with correct headers [Line 37]. · Corrected preview post in postreply.php to remember Show My Signature in this Post checkbox state [Line 117]. As usual the download package on source forge has been updated to include all of the corrected issues. On a final note, one or two users have been somewhat picky with some of PHPFusions minor irks, which I might add have been inherited from the 4x series. Because I do not regard them as actual errors, I won't fix them. I've been patient up until now, but after a lot of hard work, I am tired, so give me a break!
December 12 2004 2 minutes
First updates
As with any release, there are always a few teething problems. I will try to iron out all problems as fast as possible. You can get updated by downloading the v5.00 update from the downloads area. The full/upgrade package on Source Forge is always up to date. Changes/Fixes: · Corrected FUSION_CHARSET casing in subheader.php [Line 21] · Changed $inf_tables to $inf_create_tables in infusions.php (Admin) [Line 28] · Added sendemail() function to lostpassword.php [Line 43] · Altered sendemail_include.php $headers to try and improve delivery success. Files Updated at 15:20 UK time.
December 11 2004 1 minute
PHPFusion 5 Officially released
Though some of you have already grabbed the package, I'm pleased to announce the official release of PHPFusion 5. V5 is seen as more of a successor than an upgrade from v4.01, taking the project to the next level. PHPFusion 5 finally has it's own plug-in system which I have creatively called Infusions. Though there are few, if not no infusions available yet, the number should grow steadily over the next few months as our coding community learns how the system works. PHPFusion 5 remains committed to ease of use, if you're experienced with the earlier versions then I'm sure you'll find that PHPFusion 5 is equally as easy to use, if not easier than before. You'll notice now that on our site there is a new error reporting system, you should only use this feature if you believe you have encountered a problem which may need investigating by me. The usual folks are also able to comment on any suspected errors. Thank you to all of the beta team for your hard work and support, you have made a valuable contribution. I'd also like to thank you all for believing in my ability and PHPFusion. So, let the work begin, ladies and gentlemen, PHPFusion 5 is here!
December 10 2004 2 minutes