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PHPFusion 4.01 code changes
In v4.01 of PHPFusion a number of significant changes have been made. The most notable change is how array contents are collected, here are two examples of the existing method: 1. $subject = $data[subject]; 2. echo "< a href=\"mypage.php?subject_id=$data[subject_id]\">$data[subject]< /a>"; At first glance you may think this is ok, and it does indeed work fine. However if the item between the [square brackets] is for example a predefined php constant then it would cause problems. Array contents should be surrounded by 'single' or "double" quotes, particularly in example 1. Example 2 is theoreticaly sound since the array contents are surround by the echo quotes. However, I recommend that all array contents should follow the first rule (Array contents should be surrounded by 'single' or "double" quotes). Examples: 1. $subject = $data['subject']; 2. echo "< a href='mypage.php?subject_id=".$data['subject_id']."'>".$data['subject']."< /a>"; These rules should be applied to all existing and future mods. You will also notice how I've moved away from using slashed double quotes (\") in favor of the simpler single quotes ('), this is part of the ongoing transition towards html 4.01 standards and cleaner coding. The array changes should improve PHPFusion's compatability with other web servers such as IIS.
July 14 2004 2 minutes
Minor Fixes Updates
Attention: The v4 Minor Fixes pack has been updated to with an updated classes2.php file which closes yet more security holes. To clarify things, here's a list of the included adjustments now in this pack: Admin Panels Image Uploads: Now accepts x-png as an image type Panal Management: User Info panel can no longer be edited/disabled or removed Site Settings: Time Offset value is now shown correctly if user time offset is not 0 Core classes2.php: Ubbcode parsing corrected, extra code added to strip out mallicious code. Forum Forum Search now displays results when all forums are not visible to public/visitors User profile links on forum index now work correctly Added cookie check during forum post routine to stop blank posts Languages Danish/Dutch/German/English/Swedish language files fully updated Main Fixed forumlist.php: Latest Active Forum Threads now visible when all forums are not visible to public/visitors Fixed LAN definition in readmessage.php The v4 Minor Fixes pack is available Here. The Full/Upgrade packs have also been updated to include the above fixes.
June 20 2004 2 minutes
Minor Fixes
Just a couple of minor niggles needed to be corrected. If all of your forums are not visible to public visitors, the Latest Active Forum Threads panel will not show, nor will the forum search facility present any results. Another minor problem is ubbcode parsing, I had implemented some slight alterations, they work, but not %100, so I have reverted to the tried and trusted code. Finally, Panel Management has been updated which now prevents the user menu from being disabled or deleted. The Full/Upgrade packs have been updated to include these fixes. Existing PHPFusion 4 can download v4 Minor Fixes Here.
June 16 2004 1 minute
PHPFusion 4 Released
After nearly 2 months in dry dock, PHPFusion 4 is finally unleashed. As the jump in version number suggests, PHPFusion 4 represents a major update featuring many new features, alterations, bug fixes and crucial security updates. For details on all of the changes, click Read More. PHPFusion 4 has been tested by a small group of devoted PHPFusion users. I'd like to thank those who have helped to ensure that PHPFusion 4 is free of any major bugs. Note: PHPFusion 4's theme structure is a bit more advanced, themes from v3.05 and below will not function with v4.00, therefore if you are upgrading from v3.05 you must select one of the default themes such as x3 in Site Settings BEFORE upgrading. The German Language files have only been partially updated, and the Spanish Language files have not been updated. I will make these available for download as soon I recieve the updates from our assigned translators. Details on Language file changes can be found Here. Download PHPFusion 4.00 Full Install Download PHPFusion 4.00 Upgrade
June 15 2004 12 minutes
PHPFusion 4.00 Ready
PHPFusion 4.00 will be released tomorrow following completion of beta testing and 3 release candidate tests. PHPFusion 4.00 was due today but I pulled out at the seventh hour, as it was brought to my attention that the Submit News & Submit Article features provided opportunity for serious exploits using javascript, risks included sql injection, cookie stealing and more. Rest assured, PHPFusion 4.00 will be the most secure release yet and I will continue to ensure that PHPFusion remains as secure as possible.
June 14 2004 1 minute
PHPFusion 4.00 Coming Soon
The much anticipated release of PHPFusion 4.00 is near. Beta testing is now in the final stages and has proved extremely helpful to ensure v4.00 is free of any major problems prior to release. Thanks to those of you who helped out, I really appreciate your support and help. Over tjhe course of the next few releases I will be pushing PHPFusion towards full xHTML 1.1 compliance. Some of the ground work for this has been put in place in v4.00.
June 08 2004 1 minute
Updated footer.php
I have made an updated footer.php available for download, this updates the copyright notice to 'Powered by PHPFusion v3.05 © 2003-2004 Nick Jones' and also fetches the version number from the database. Download it here.
May 25 2004 1 minute
PHPFusion 3.1 Update
I just thought I would update you on the progress of the next release of PHPFusion. I am Currently developing panel management, there was a debate in the forums about how best to approach this. CrappoMan suggested the use of the database, where as I developed the working model based on the use of files. Both methods have their good/bad points. So instead of choosing one or t'other I have opted to provide both options. This means you can store the code in the database, which can be edited via the provided panel editor. Alterntively you can upload a php file into the new fusion_panels folder and use that, but you cannot edit the file content online. As for release dates, well, the beta is still a little way off, a week, maybe 2. I estimate a release date of around mid/late June. The main decision will be whether v3.05 is to be the end of version 3, perhaps the next release may jump to version 4.0! Hmm.
May 23 2004 1 minutes
Problems with &#92;&#39; & &#92;&quot; fixed
After looking over the various problems with \'s appearing in subjects, site links and various other places I've discovered that these problems are due to a missing piece of code. You can download an admin pack which includes the stripinput code, once uploaded simply edit the problematic item, remove the \ and re-save it. The Full Install & Upgrade packs have also been updated. Upload the contents of admin-panel-fixes.zip to your fusion_admin folder. Download it here.
May 07 2004 1 minute
German & Spanish
German & Spanish language files are now available for download. If you are interested in translating PHPFusion into other languages please contact me or post a comment, any contributions to the project are greatly appreciated.
May 03 2004 1 minute
PHPFusion v3.05 back up
PHPFusion v3.05 is available again for download. The header issue has now been resolved, hopefully everything will perform as it should. Existing v3.05 users can simply upload the files from the upgrade package, no need to run upgrade script. Thankyou for your patience. Update: Only one minor irk rose over night, the validation code image on the registration page doesn't work. Well dont worry simply download this file: core-fix. Problem solved. Full & Upgrade packs have been updated.
April 26 2004 1 minute
3.05 problem isolated
Latest tests have confirmed my suspicion that the headers call to the config file is responsible for the no show forum / admin panel. I hope to have a solution within the next few hours. Until then v3.05 is off-line.
April 26 2004 1 minute
PHPFusion v3.05 Patch B
In a bid to ease current problems I have made some minor code adjustments. This pack also includes a script called dbpatch.zip which will fix any unexpected slashes which should not be visible. Run this once, i.e. mydomain.com/dbpatch.php. Note this will take a few seconds to run, so wait for it to complete. Once done, delete dbpatch.php. Note these fixes have been added to the v3.05 upgrade pack. Full install has also been updated. It does not resolve the no show forum / admin issue, but i'm working on it! Download v3.05 Patch B
April 26 2004 1 minute
PHPFusion v3.05
It seems v3.05 is causing a number of strange faults, I can only assume this is something to do with the minor core rewrite. I'm not 100% sure, so, can all users who have upgraded to or installed v3.05 please post in the v3.05 performance thread. Please try to explain any probs in detail.
April 26 2004 1 minute
v3.05 Patch
Unfortunately some items were not properly set in the initial releases of PHPFusion v3.05 (Full Install and Upgrade). I have created a patched set of files to rectify these problems for those of you who have installed or upgraded to v3.05. This fixes problems with the submit news feature, news publishing problems and registration. Upload the files from 305-patch.zip to your webserver and execute patch.php (i.e. mydomain.com/patch.php). Once you have done that delete the file patch.php from your webserver. As for register.php I have added 2 settings near the top of the file: $show_image is used to show the validation code as an image or as plain text. $send_mail enables or disables the use of sendmail. Both of these are set to on by default. Download 305 Patch (18Kb)
April 24 2004 1 minutes