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Valuable member retired
In our latest Management Team meeting we have come to the conclusion that will have to move along without one of our most valuable leaders that everyone knows as PMM. We have great plans ahead for PHPFusion and that means a lot of action in all departments. Life just comes as it is... so I guess lack of time, probably also lack of a perfect health made PMM rethink his plans because he let us know he won't be able to keep up with all our action so for now we wish him all the best, we thank him for all the contributions and hopefully things will change for the better sometime in the future. PMM, take care of yourself and thank you for all the great stuff!
March 02 2010 1 minutes
Serious Violation
It was recently discovered by a local Turkish member serhat5858 and Soulsmasher that many of his themes were being released by another member as their original work. Upon investigation, the copied theme code was almost exactly the same, in some instances identical, except that the original acknowledgements and copyright information was missing. This will not stand! There is zero tolerance for this kind of violation. As a result of this discovery, the member concerned was sent a warning, the reply to which was extremely dismissive. He has now been permanently banned from all PHPFusion sites, including the NSS sites, and his submissions have been removed. Not to mention his name in the Open Source community as a whole is now worthless. To do this to a person who freely gives so much help and support to anyone who asks is beneath contempt. So, to anyone who's thinking of trying to do the same to make themselves seem a better coder than they actually are, be warned! You will eventually get caught and exposed! It is theft, nothing less. We've been quite courteous and polite in matters like this for a number of years, but we hereby inform you that if you get caught in behaving in such a way, we will take swift actions as soon as we spot it from this day and after. Please note, that AGPL does cover Themes, Infusions etc as well as the whole of PHPFusion, if you as a 3rd party developer breaks the license, you have forfeited the whole license as such. The only requirement the Open Source community asks of anyone wanting to use their code is that you leave any copyright info intact, that's it! Without this one hard and fast rule, the quality of the code gets diluted and lost leaving talented people with no incentive to continue. We understand the overwhelming majority of members would never do this and many thanks to those who have reported such people to us over the years.
March 01 2010 3 minutes
New Serbian NSS
We are pleased to announce the creation of a new National Support Site for Serbia now up and running at: http://www.yu-fusion.org/. This site is run by Goran Vrbask known here as vRBa. As always, we're delighted when a new country joins the PHPFusion universe as it greatly enhances developers and users abilities to work with and get support for PF while in their own language.We trust users from the region will find it a great resource and give it the support it deserves. Everyone here wishes the site all the best and great success.
February 22 2010 1 minutes
[Update] Code of Conduct
The PHPFusion Management Team decided to make a small addition to the PHPFusion Code of Conduct. It's about paragraph #3.2, relfecting our position on Products based on PHPFusion. This is something we had in mind for some while because there are already a few projects based on PHPFusion that (their authors) claim to be better in some ways. Considering writing a CMS like PHPFusion is not even nearly a day's job to take care of all features, requirements and security aspects, it is normal that using PHPFusion as a foundation requires a fair share of respect and a healthy attitude regarding its creators when advertising the new product. PHPFusion is still a work in progress, just like virtually all other active software products so it's never completed and never satisfactory for everyone. This is why people start their own projects or build upon others, to reach the point where they have everything they need just as they need it. It's just a matter of being practical. With all due respect for developers who can take coding in their own hands and make something better for themselves and other users with similar needs, we introduced paragraph #3.2 in our Code of Conduct to remind them where they started from and that they should pay more respect to their foundation. Having these said, please look into the details. The PHPFusion Management Team also urges the National Support Site leaders to update their translations of the Code of Conduct to reflect the latest addition to our set of rules. Thank you.
February 08 2010 2 minutes
The PHPFusion v7 manual is now online
Stop the presses! Read all about PHPFusion v7! Finally, the PHPFusion 7 handbook is available. It's worth mentioning it took this much because the first version was made in Danish, by Jan Moelgaard, then the manual got through some more painful and time consuming tasks: it's been translated, adapted to English, having all screenshots created all over again. Then the PHPFusion Crew stepped in to check whatever might be inaccurate just before it got published. Hats off to Jan Moelgaard, who did a great job with the book! What's new? Well, you know... it's all about the core and the new features in PHPFusion. Written on top of its v6 base, the book now covers all the new core's particularities, including: - multi-site - new infusions system - theme engine updates - user administration restructuring - forum ranks - other stuff Along with these you will find - we hope - everything you need to know in order to install and administrate your PHPFusion v7 website. Have fun reading! The Official PHPFusion 7 Manual [6.26MB]
January 26 2010 2 minutes
PHPFusion 7.00.07
It is with great pleasure that I announce the immediate availability of PHPFusion 7.00.07! This release is a bugfix release, which fixes the following issues: - preg_match error in maincore.php - version number update - year 2010 hard-coded As usual, there is a full release package and an update package containing only the changed files. This time, a combo update is also provided for those who had not updated to 7.00.06 yet due to the preg_match error. The combo update contains the files from the 7.00.06 and 7.00.07 update packages. I hope you will like this release as much as any other. I will soon post an update on the development of PHPFusion 7.01. Thank you once more for your continued support to PHPFusion!
January 12 2010 1 minutes
Personal message from Digitanium
Season's Greetings! I'm sure you've noticed that I've not been around much for some time. Having worked on PHPFusion for almost a whole decade naturally my passion and energy levels have dwindled somewhat. I decided to take an extended break in which I could pursue other projects and interests. In my absence the team have done remarkable job in keeping PHPFusion alive and well and brilliantly supported, for this I am eternally grateful (Thanks guys!). I'd name everyone but it'd take up too much room! Haha. 2010 promises to be another big year, I know the dev team are busy completing v7.01 (not sure of it's release schedule). Early plans are under way with regards to v8 although I can't provide any details yet, I will be heavily involved that's for sure! I would like to thank each and every one of PHPFusion's users, you make our efforts so very much worth while, we appreciate your support in ways words cannot describe! I would also like to say a special thanks to those of you who have paid for licenses and copyright removal. Have a wonderful new year! Nick
December 25 2009 2 minutes
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
On behalf of the PHPFusion Crew and myself I would like wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year! 2010 will be an exciting year for PHPFusion, as we will be releasing v7.01 next year as well as more details on PHPFusion 8. As I have said in my previous post, we cannot reveal much yet, but I am confident it will be well-received. Thank you, once again, for your support in 2009 and we would love to still have your support in 2010! Happy holidays!
December 20 2009 1 minute
Quick development update
Hello all! I wanted to post a quick update on the development of PHPFusion so you all know what we're working on behind the scenes. We are currently busy finishing up 7.00.07, which fixes a minor and a major issue in 7.00.06 (both non-security), and we are working hard on 7.01. We cannot say exactly when 7.01 will be released, but we are making good progress and are almost ready to enter the testing phase. Besides that, we are starting to look ahead into the future and focus more and more on PHPFusion 8. Currently we're solely in the planning phase and have not done anything code-wise yet. I expect we will be making solid plans the coming two months before we start taking feature requests, etc. But you'll hear more about that later. For now, this is it. Thank you for your continued support to PHPFusion and we will keep you posted!
December 16 2009 1 minutes
PHPFusion 7.00.06
I am happy to announce the immediate availability of PHPFusion 7.00.06! PHPFusion 7.00.06 is a bugfixes release but also introduces PHP 5.3 compatibility. Among the bugfixes are some textual fixes and some touch-ups. There is a full download as well as an upgrade package, which may both be downloaded via either the 'Downloads' section on this web site or our project page at SourceForge. We advise everybody to upgrade and hope you will all enjoy this release as much as you have enjoyed others in the past. We also appreciate your continued participation in our community and hope to grow our community even further with your help.
December 01 2009 1 minute
PHPFusion Design Team
The PHPFusion Management Team (MT) has decided that we should recreate a Design Team. Therefore we are looking for people that are familiar with PHPFusion and its design. We need people that are skilled when it comes to design, graphics, themes, PHP or marketing. If you have skills within some of these areas, and want to participate in forming the future of PHPFusion and its theme-engine, please read on.
July 08 2009 3 minutes
New Dutch language support site
We are announcing a new support site launch. So far, our experience told us it is a good call to gather more countries on a single support site if they use the same language. The Spanish support site is the first to handle users from more than one country. Actually, they are open to support requests from 20 countries beside Spain - so that would make more than 40 countries that benefit from official PHPFusion support if we add the other national support sites. While we understand different countries also mean different people and different opinions, our international team is and will be permanently prepared to handle things is a manner that will make support sites run smoothly and pull out the best benefits for the users - because that's our ultimate goal. In order to achieve this goal we have appointed the right people to lead multinational support sites and our second community built upon the idea of a common language will be the one for the Dutch language, lead by a mixed team of devoted people from both Belgium and The Netherlands. To recap, multinational support sites allow smaller teams to handle requests from multiple nations. The best developers and managers of the supported countries will form one leading team and they will be able to offer better assistance to everyone. We hope that all of the users from the Belgian and Dutch sites will enjoy the new site. It means that all users must re-register but that is hopefully a minor matter in the long run. Eventually activities on the Dutch and Belgian present sites will slow down and cease, since the new site will be our Official Dutch Language representative. Good luck! KEFF The support site is now up and running at http://www.phpfusion-nederlands.info!
October 31 2008 3 minutes
PHP Fusion Core 7 - Review by Mike Johnston
Mike Johnston over at CMSTester.com has reviewed PHP Fusion Core 7 and has given it a 8/10! The review is fairly thorough from a users perspective and even walks you through the install process. Thanks to Mike for the awesome review and we look forward to working even harder next version to provide an even better experience to its community! Cheers from the PHP Fusion Crew You can read his review at the following URL: CMSCritic.com
August 21 2008 1 minutes
PHPFusion Core 7 Edition RC2
A second release in 4 days! PHPFusion Core 7 Edition release candidate 2 is now available for download. This release includes a number of bug fixes, basically the latest svn snapshot. You can update your v7 setup by just uploading the files, no database update is required in this case. Otherwise, v7 can be installed afresh or you can upgrade from v6.01. Please read the included readme for full instructions before installing or upgrading. Note that v6 mods, infusions and themes are NOT compatible with v7, you must either update or remove such items BEFORE upgrading to v7. Download PHPFusion Core 7 Edition RC2 Additional locale packs Catalan, Czech, Danish, French, Hungarian, Polish, Polish UTF-8, Portuguese/Brazil, Slovak, Spanish, Turkish
June 24 2008 1 minutes