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PHPFusion Versioning Explained

Our versioning is not that complex as it may seem to be at a first glance.
PHPFusion have 3 steps with more than enough possibilities for our needs.
In PHPFusion 8 we have - 8.00.50,
The 8 is the branch version.
The .00 is the Major version within the 8 branch.
The .50 is a Lesser version within the 8.00 branch.

A Branch version contains many significant features and functions not seen in the previous branch.
A lot of documentation will be required for all the new features and functions introduced.

A Major version can contain larger functional changes that may have an impact on the system and it´s way to handle things.
A Major upgrade may require that you also have some basic knowledge of the changes made, in order to make a safe transition from your previous version.

A Lesser version is not allowed to have any structural or functional changes.
The upgrade need to be fairly simple.