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Installing PHP Fusion on a dreamhost linux host

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I have a hosting plan with dreamhost.com that gives me shell access if required, already has php 5.2 available and uses MySQL.

I'm OK with setting up the directories, xferring the files over & chmodding where necessary.

I'm not clear on two primary points:

1) the install docs say install to the root of the domain. Can I install elsewhere on the domain (ie in a lower directory) as long as I have a link from the root to the Fusion install directory? Main reason for asking is that I'd like to put the install behind an htaccess login whilst I'm experimenting with it (or is that not a good idea?).

2) I've never set up a MySQL db outside the 1-click install scripts. I'm assuming I will need something like PHPMySQL (name?) but all suggestions and assistance will be most welcome.

Can anyone help, please? I'm assuming I ain't the first with this problem ...

Regards, Mike

PS I hate to admit it on such a forum, but I'm a manager - although I used to code when I was little and we used scratches on a slate :)
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Mangee 10
Mangee's Conversions

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On [1] the root of a domain is what you declare or what your host allows.

On my hosting I can point or " forward " my domains to any folder. The actual root of my package has no domain pointing to it.
So each of my domains and subdomains has its own folder off the root.

On [2] fusion has a setup program that will do the mysql for you.
It will ask for " database host " a url, " username ", " database name " and " password ".

It will then attempt to make your database. If it passes or fails it will tell you the result.
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