Hello, our website is working on v6... It's working well, but could be better. There are also some new panels from the spam generators, I don't know how to protect, never mind. This is why I'm trying to upgrade, but not only the reason...
So, actually I'm not really upgrading it, I will start new, clean installation of the v7. Then there is only a question. Can I somehow convert my v6 posts in news? We don't want it to lose it. I guess I can't keep the exactly same theme, never mind, I will do a new one, will try to remake it into old v6 look. But posts are the main thing, so...
What will happen if I will try to import my old database into new one? With IF NOT EXISTS commands etc.
Or also I've been thinking about try to upgrade v6 database into v7 by the upgrade script and only edit the theme.
Thanks, Mike.
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