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Arabian Supportsite is open!
We have a new supportsite for our Arabic speaking members, it has been up and running for a while and we hope that it will serve our community for the best of it. I give the word to gebal, who's in charge of the Arabian support. "We are pleased to announce the launching of the official Arabic support site for PHPFusion at Arabian Support. The support team has been providing general support and translation of core files as well as mods and infusions. The Arabic community has been expanding and we are confident that introduction of the Arabic support will attract even more users in the Arabic community. We also look forward to the contribution of Arabic users to the development of PHPFusion. Questions and comments regarding the Arabic support can be directed to gebals@gmail.com."
December 12 2006 1 minutes
PHPFusion Theme Database launched!
"Today the PHPFusion Theme Database was made public. This Tool will from now on be the heart of PHPFusion Themes. Our goal is to organize the confusing multitude of Themes and present them in an accessible and utilizable way for you. The Database is also intended to give authors the possibility to show their Themes to a larger public. To achieve all of this, we need you. The heart lacks it's blood if there are no users posting comments, rating themes, downloading and discussing them. Together with your submissions, this is what keeps the whole system alive." The above message is from Matonor, Team Leader for Design Team. I think that a dbase showing all Themes is a very good idea and I hope that you all will get right over there and have a look! Check out these following links: News on Themes site Theme Database Overview Submit Theme Come on, get over there and get busy! Good luck and Thank You, Matonor and all of the other guys at the Themes site, you've done a great work. Keep it up!
October 30 2006 2 minutes
The future of PHPFusion
After a break, work is now under way on the next version of PHPFusion. v6.02 will not only contain new features and bug fixes, as it is our intention to switch to a more suitable license. We plan to use an alternative GPL license entitled AGPL which will provide us with more freedom in regards of how we handle copyright display and more importantly, copyright infringement, which is a growing problem that needs to stop. Be assured that we are committed to open-source development, but when people start walking away with our work it becomes very frustrating. PHPFusion will remain open-source, will still be a free product, but we may re-introduce a fixed fee for copyright removal mostly to cover increasing hosting costs and other financial out goings. I'm not interested in profit, but we will do whatever it takes to protect the integrity of PHPFusion. v6.02 is unlikely to arrive this year, there are many areas we want to further improve and these will take time to complete. One of our main emphasis will be on dropping our reliance on register globals. We also intend to completely rewrite the forum system to provide much requested new features. As always new code will be committed to the CVS so keen developers can keep an eye on any changes. Feature requests are now being considered, so if you have any ideas or requests, now is the time to speak up. Look out for v6.02 early next year!
October 20 2006 2 minutes
News and a small bug fix
Hey folks, apologies for the lack of news recently. We've been extremely busy behind the scenes sorting out our new team structure. I'm pleased to say that things are coming along very well and I'm extremely delighted with the Management Team's work and commitment. I have been taking it easy for a while, just to recharge my batteries after 12 long hard months of dev work. Don't worry, I'm still fully commited and not going anywhere! Unfortunately, I have to announce another update, but security is a key concern more than ever. v6.01.6 provides a fix for a low-level xss hole in the $PHP_SELF and $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] variables, something that quite a few developers have never thought of from what I have read! oo err. Thanks goes to K_ros for his co-operation and information Existing v6.01.4 and v6.01.5 users can download the file '6.01.6 Update for v6.01.4/5' and simply upload the inluded files and click upgrade under System Admin. The full sourceforge package has been updated. PHPFusion 6.01.6 Update FOR V6.01.4 AND V6.01.5 ONLY (9Kb). PHPFusion 6.01.6 (2.04Mb). maincore.php update details (File version 1.11)
October 05 2006 2 minutes
Last day for PACKT Nominations!
Today is the last day to nominate PHP Fusion for your favorite CMS. At midnight tonight, nominations will close and the judges will tally the votes and announce the 5 finalists. We and as im sure the rest of the community would love to see PHP Fusion as one of those finalists. So do your part and make sure youve voted! Tell your friends to fill out a nomination but remember, please only one nomination per person. Thanks.
September 01 2006 1 minute
PHPFusion v6.01.4 Released!
Having been on the cards for a while, PHPFusion v6.01.4 is finally available to the public. This updated release contains fixes for all of the bugs reported since the release of v6.01.3. We now consider this phase of development complete and it is very unlikely any major new versions will be released within the next 4 - 6 months. Existing v6.01.1, v6.01.2 and v6.01.3 users can download the file '6.01.4 Multi=Patch' which includes updates 6.01.2, 6.01.3 and 6.01.4. The multi-patch is designed to enable you to update to the latest revision by downloading one file. The patch is hosted on sourceforge to reduce our server usage. Please refer to the included readme file for full instructions. Click Read More for a full list of changes. PHPFusion 6.01.4 (2.04Mb). PHPFusion 6.01.4 Multi-Patch (503Kb).
August 20 2006 4 minutes
You may have noticed that a statement I made on Saturday was retracted. I needed time to reflect on what has been a very testing week. As you are all aware, a few months ago a management team was formed in order to reduce my general work load and to bring a better state of organisation. You have seen the plans outlined by janmol and KEFF which give a clear indication of the direction we are moving in. Unfortunately some of our plans have caused some upset resulting in a few long term members stepping down from their official positions. I want to make it clear that nobody was forced to step down. Click Read More to read the rest of this statement.
August 14 2006 4 minutes
New Official Themes Site - Come on in!
On behalf of the Management Team and the Design Team, it is with great pleasure that I announce the opening of our brand new Official Themes site. Matonor and Trix have put in alot of time and effort to produce the new site and have done so with such impressive teamwork and communication. As you may already know, a Design Team was implemented in the reorganization and Matonor is the Team Leader....
August 07 2006 5 minutes
2 New Infusions
Following the exploit fix in PHPFusion 6.01.3, it has come to my attention that files planted prior to 6.01.3 are lying dormant on servers. The patched code only protects against newly uploaded images. To combat this I have produced two infusions, a Forum Attachment Image Checker and an Avatar Image Checker. These infusions enable administrators to safely inspect Forum Attachment Images and Avatar Images. Any malformed images will appear as broken images, if you find any, delete them. You are strongly advised to use these tools at least once. Download Image Checker infusions (4Kb) Requires v6.01.3
July 20 2006 1 minute
PHPFusion v6.01.3 Critical Release
[Update 02/07/2006] : Hackers are now targetting photo submissions using the exploit explained below. I neglected to add the fix to submit.php as an oversight. If you have updated to 6.01.3 already please upload submit.php from the updated 6.01.3 Update pack. If you have not yet updated to v6.01.3 please do as soon as possible. An image or not an image? A critical bug fix in the form of v6.01.3 is now available for immediate download. The fix prevents the uploading of malformed images including avatars and forum image attachments. The malformed image contains hidden javascript which if viewed directly executes a cookie stealer thus compromising the super admin account. Avatar and forum image attachments are now scanned when they are uploaded, if any malicious code is detected the image will be rejected. Existing v6.01.2 users can download the file '6.01.3 Update for v6.01.2' and simply upload the inluded files and click upgrade under System Admin. For those of you who have not yet upgraded, the full sourceforge package has been updated. PHPFusion 6.01.3 Update FOR V6.01.2 ONLY (20Kb). PHPFusion 6.01.3 (2.04Mb).
June 28 2006 2 minutes
Upgrade Clarification
IMPORTANT: It seems some users are having common problems when trying to upgrade to v6.01.2 from version 6.00.1xx, 6.00.2xx or 6.00.3xx. This is not a fault on our behalf, it's just a general misunderstanding by the user. PHPFusion 6.01 is a major update compared to its predecessors, therefore you need to follow the instructions to a tee. 1. First you must upload the correct upgrade script from the folder named 'upgrade v6.00.xxx' to the administration folder of your site. 2. Login to your site as the Super Administrator. Under the System Admin tab of the Admin Panel, click on Upgrade then click the button marked Upgrade. MAKE SURE the page reloads stating 'Database upgrade complete', failure to do so may cause problems later on. 3. VERY IMPORTANT: Since this release contains a number of structural changes, some elements of your site will not work properly until you have updated all of your files. YOU MUST upload ALL of the files from the php-files folder. Failing to upload all of the files will cause: no admin access, lower-center and right side panels mixed up, new gallery not working and more. 4. You should ONLY use the Photo Converter Infusion AFTER completing the above steps. It is designed to run under specific conditions which are created by the upgrade script and therefore will not work prior to upgrading. Be sure to verify the new Photo Settings under System admin before running the Photo Converter. I sincerely hope this helps to clear up any confusion regarding the upgrade process. If at all you are any doubt please feel free to ask someone for help, there are plenty of knowledgeable users here who can help you. Thanks for reading!
June 19 2006 3 minutes
PHPFusion Handbook
A new and extended edition of the official PHPFusion Handbook has been released. Now you get 168 pages - all up to date (version 6.01.2) - covers the the most current version. It's available from the downloads section. Enjoy!!
June 18 2006 1 minute
PHPFusion v6.01.2 Released
As promised PHPFusion 6.01.2 is now available for download. This updated release contains fixes for all of the bugs reported since the release of v6.01.1 on Monday. I'm very pleased with the new version, and the feedback has been tremendous. I fully appreciate all positive and negative comments, we do our very best to add as many features as possible to each version. I realise some elements, particularly the forum, need attention and I will look to address things soon. Thanks! Existing v6.01.1 users can download the file '6.01.2 Update for v6.01.1' and simply upload the inluded files and click upgrade under System Admin. For those of you who have not yet upgraded, the full sourceforge package has been updated. Click Read More for a full list of changes. PHPFusion 6.01.2 (2.04Mb). PHPFusion 6.01.2 Update FOR V6.01.1 ONLY (356Kb).
June 16 2006 3 minutes
PHPFusion v6.01.1 Released!
Are you ready? PHPFusion v6.01.1 is now officially available for download. To clear up any confusion, v6.01.1 has been developed under v6.00.400 as we weren't entirely sure how far we would go initially, but with all the changes involved we felt it was prudent to call it a major update. v6.01.1 includes a number of new features, security and performance improvements and updates. The release of v6.01.1 was delayed due to a few issues with servers running with safemode on. This required some minor recoding of some of the new features including the new db backup and photo gallery. I've produced a gallery converter infusion so you can easily import your existing albums from v6.00.xxx. Please note that the old photo gallery mods and infusions are not compatible with the new photo gallery, but I'm sure updated versions will become available soon. Important: If you are upgrading to PHPFusion v6.01.1 from v6.00.xxx please note that your photoalbums and photos tables will be renamed during the upgrade process to allow the creation of the new photoalbums and photos tables. All data and images will be preserved and can be transferred using the aforementioned photo converter. Update: I've just discovered a mistake in a definition in the gallery files. If you've already updated to 6.01.1 please upload the following from the updated sourceforge package: administration/photoalbums.php, administration/photos.php, administration/submissions.php, photogallery.php and showphoto.php. For a full list of all of the new features and updates, please click Read More. PHPFusion v6.01.1 1.90Mb Photo Converter Infusion 5Kb Note: TinyMCE only contains English language files. You can download other language packs from Moxiecode at: tinymce.moxiecode.com/language.php
June 12 2006 6 minutes
Final New messages.php
02-06-2006 : I've corrected one final issue with unlimited message values today, please update one last time Okay it wasn't a complete success yesterday, but, good news folks, the new messages.php script is now fully complete and should be in full working order. It is a direct replacement for the original troublesome script. The old script had serious security flaws that we simply could not fix, so I took on the challenge to rewrite it from scratch. You can download it now as a single file, the .307 sourceforge packages have also been updated. Thanks for your patience and remember, coding is a fine art Update: I've updated a few elements of code to support unlimited box settings and improved savebox handling Download secured messages.php
June 01 2006 2 minutes