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2013? 2013!
I am pleased to be able to wish you all a Happy New Year! We did not make it for an Alpha or Beta version of PHPFusion 8. This is sad, but it is also a "reality check", if you like. Our dependency on a few dedicated developers and their free time is unconditional and absolute. Is this a good thing? Yes and no. Yes, because we can be sure that we get quality code with focus on security. No, because more people can do more. The issue is "control". It is not that simple, guys.   What can we expect for 2013?   It may not be up to me to make promises for PHPFusion in 2013. I do know this though: We migrate the 8 site to a VPS during the first week of January (this will bring in some more serverside possibilities) From the 8 of January a new coding push is expected The Theme Competition will be announced and start before or around mid January This is what I know today and what I am able to control.   Speech   On a more general approach I would like to see more involved people in development. As mentioned earlier, this is no easy task to control, but I figure we need to put the Team Leaders for Development and the Senior Developers back in a supervising role and have them check what others do with friendly, constructive corrections. Their knowledge must be spread to other community members and we need to build a broader developer base, both in regards to Themes and Core as well as Infusions. In short, we need to build our future.   Should we fail to do this as needed, PHPFusion will have no future. We can no longer depend on 2-3 people to do the job for 30-50.000 or more. You need to come forward, to show us and yourself that PHPFusion has a strong community of developers. Even if you are not a developer you may have ideas. You may spread PHPFusion among friends and colleagues.   Maybe I just need to become tougher. To demand more. To start sending angry PM's to people on diverse lists. To set up deadlines and to force coders to uphold them "or else!". Ban more members, denounce more sites for closure to their hosts and generally speaking, become a meaner person.   That is not my way. I believe in the Community. I believe that each one of you, taking the time to read this, have a genuine interest for PHPFusion and in helping us all to shape a better, richer CMS. That is my hope for PHPFusion. That is my wish for the Community. That is my goal as one of your leaders.   SCORE! /Richard
December 31 2012 4 minutes
Revised Developer Organisation
I have today announced a reorganized Developer Teams structure on the 8 site. I open up the box with plans I have, a bit, and introduce some good old friends in new positions. They are all friends and mates from this Community, friends of PHPFusion. You all know them. JoiNNN - V8 Themes Team Leader Craig - V8 Infusions Team Leader Halisson Ricardo - V8 Promotions & Communications Team Leader PMM and I remain in our positions. We have additional people coming in to strenghten the effort of the ones already working on V8, some Russians, some Americans and some Europeans. I will introduce the Teams as they are gathered. Each and everyone deserves our gratitude and their names will be public shortly. I am proud of having the possibility to help out with this task. Yours truly, Richard
October 12 2012 1 minutes
Site down
Sites related to PHPFusion UK was down a few hours yesterday and perhaps in to the night a bit. I do not really know when it started working again, but it seems to be up now. I apologize for any inconvenience. /Richard (I have been getting PM's from people wanting to help out on this and expressing sadness for us not being able to react faster on this. I can only say that for security reasons only two persons have root site access but we should of course secure a backup plan for these events.)
September 27 2012 1 minute
Development Plan - Online
It is with great pleasure I give you our Development Plan, scrutinized and approved by MT, (an hour or two late according to ghost2k ). Please take your time reading it, comments are open, but I rather have you all make threads in the Development Forum, I am making a thread there. It is available for members in Articles at www.8.php-fusion.net Thank you for your patience and lets get to work. /Richard and Christian *** Public
July 03 2012 1 minute
PHPFusion 8 Development
The development towards PHPFusion 8 takes a new turn. Tadaaa! Our Management Team has decided to appoint me, Richard Ainz, as Coordinator for the Development of the next major version of PHPFusion. You all know me, I've been around for ages and know my way pretty well around this wonderful Community. I will work closely together with Christian Damsgaard Jørgensen, PMM, our Lead Developer, and his Team. Most of this work will take place at www.8.php-fusion.net, which is currently being set up and organized for this purpose. That site will not be open for general support, but dedicated to discussions and announcements regarding the ongoing development. * * * If you feel you may be able to contribute in the development of version 8 with ideas, coding, themeing and other relevant tasks, feel free to bring your name via a Private Message to me or Christian, on this the UK Next site. /Team 8
May 17 2012 2 minutes
1st Annivesary of our Founders Passing
It's hard to believe that's it's been a whole year since we lost our founder and friend Nick Jones. The time has just flown by but PHPFusion is still here going strong which is a powerful testament to Nick's philosophy of openness and sharing. He is greatly missed to this day and we hope we can keep his legacy alive by continuing on emulating the creativity, innovation not to mention friendship he shared with all of us. PHPFusion Forever!
January 06 2012 2 minutes
Latest happenings
As you all could read in Phils previous post I have taken over the duties to maintain and supervise the main site. I have also made a new Official Theme and revamped the site and upgraded last, but not least, the AddonDB. The whole site is now based on a standard solution as any user anywhere can make proper use of out of the box. Read more
November 13 2011 4 minutes
News from the Western Front
Ladies and gentlemen - we have experienced a high staff turnover lately, but nevertheless I am proud to announce the long awaited release of PHPFusion v7.02.04. Ion Cladico - better known as Falcon - has accepted to supervise the development of v7.02, which promises well for the future. He already did a fabulous job applying the finishing touches to this version, which is quite comprehensive for a minor update - and you probably also know him as the designer of the Stylo theme. I would also like to give thanks to our committed developers and contributors, without whom we would not have accomplished as much as we have. From now on, our main focus will be the upcoming major version called v7.03, which we are working diligently to complete. So what do you want for Christmas? You can follow the continuous development in the roadmap. Your opinion is very important to us - please feel free to share any suggestions. Prospectively the roadmap will be closed for user submissions and replaced by User's Voice. We will soon present a nice overview. Stay tuned! Update: PHPFusion v7.02.04 Update Full package: PHPFusion v7.02.04 Please refer to the roadmap for a complete list of changes. Locale changes can be found here. Christian Damsgaard Jørgensen, PHPFusion Lead Developer
November 10 2011 2 minutes
Archive Project
We are looking for historic versions of PHPFusion (v6 and earlier). Please have a look on your servers and hard drives and let us know if you have any historic versions lying around. Perhaps, you could post on your site and ask your members to see if they have any old versions they can share. Twitter users, please retweet the message sent out from twitter.com/phpfusion to your followers. Likewise, google+ers do the same. We need this to get out to as many people as possible. Read this thread and add your list of versions. Do not attach them yet! As soon as we have a clearer picture of what we're missing we'll contact you and ask for the actual files. If you have any questions, just ask Fangree_Craig. Thanks for your help with this.
August 10 2011 3 minutes
Sadness for Norway
As the details of the horrific events in Oslo and Utøya continue to unfold in the media, we are all deeply saddened by the senseless loss of life of so many innocent people. It is difficult to understand the mindset of someone who could do such an evil thing. There is evil in the world, this we know. But, it is in a small way heartening to know that decent people from all walks of life and from all over the world are truly horrified and appalled by such barbarity. On behalf of the entire PHPFusion community and our friends I offer our sincere condolences to the families and loved ones of the dead and injured. May you find peace in these dark times.
July 25 2011 2 minutes
PHPFusion v7.02.03
We're pleased to announce that the release of PHPFusion v7.02.03 is finally available. Same procedure as usual: Update: PHPFusion v7.02.03 Update Full Package: PHPFusion v7.02.03 Please refer to the roadmap for a complete list of completed roadmap items for v7.02.03. A special thanks to Falcon and gh0st2k, who pulled a heavy load - well done! Christian Damsgaard Jørgensen, PHPFusion v7.02.xx Development Supervisor
June 20 2011 2 minutes
PHPFusion v7.02.02 and v7.01.06
I'm very pleased to announce the immediate release of PHPFusion v7.02.02 and PHPFusion v7.01.06. I would like to thank the members of the Development Team for their hard work as well as everyone who have contributed with testing and reporting bugs. PHPFusion v7.02.02: Full version: Download Update package: Download (for v7.02.01) Locale changes: Article   PHPFusion v7.01.06: Full version: Download Update package: Download (for v7.01.05) Locale Changes: Article   PHPFusion v7.01.06 represents the end of life (EOL) for the PHPFusion Core Edition 7.01. No more regular patches will be made for this major version and support will end by the end of 2011 with the release of PHPFusion v8.01.
May 24 2011 2 minutes
PHPFusion v7.02.01
We're pleased to announce the immediate availability of PHPFusion v7.02.01. I would like to thank all our users who have contributed with feedback, and we hope to have taken care of the the most critical bugs and errors such as login problem with www and without www, a great number of setup and upgrade bugs and much more. Update: PHPFusion v7.02.01 Update Full package: PHPFusion v7.02.01 Locale changes: PHPFusion Dev - v7.02.01 Locale Changes Please refer to the roadmap for a complete list of completed roadmap items for v7.02.01. A big thanks to the members of the Development Team who have worked very hard to solve the errors reported for PHPFusion v7.02, everyone who have taken their time to report errors and help us test, as well as our Project Manager Philip who have been supported and helping out as well. Hans Kristian Flaatten, PHPFusion Development Team Leader
April 19 2011 2 minutes