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PHPFusion v7.01.02 Released
The latest update to PHPFusion v7.01 is now available for download. Download v7.01.02 Upgrade package Download v7.01.02 Complete package Thanks to the various members at the PHPFusion Development Site for helping with spotting bugs, and providing fixes and testing this version! IMPORTANT: You have to upgrade your language files before uploading and installing this upgrade. Please check with your locale support site for updated locale files. A complete list of changes in the locale is available from here. This update fixes many small bugs and errors in the system and hard-coded locales which has now been localised for better usability. We have also introduced a new server offset setting to correct the time on your site for both registered users and guests which we think people will find useful. Be sure to check it out from Administration -> Settings -> Time and Date.
October 16 2010 5 minutes
Multiple License options
PHPFusion decided quite a while ago to check out the interest for commercial licenses for our software, core and Addons, and after a long journey, Management Team have decided to launch our multilicense plan on October 18th. We hope it will please those who wish to develop websites based on PHPFusion for commercial purposes, as well as giving Addon Developers, meaning Themes, Infusions etc, a healthy, gentle and competitive push, so that we will have more of unique, innovative and totally far out Addons for the future. At best multiple license options will give back to our Open Source Community what we currently lack, some vigour, energy and sparkling creativity. AGPL will still be our main license of choice, we'll always develop Open Source firsthand, but multiple licenses gives the individual Developer out there something to base commercial solutions on. Further information is being drawn up and planned, there's some logistics involved as well, our deadline for release of these licenses is, as stated above, Monday October 18th. Please check back next Monday for more information! And, since this is a somewhat complicated matter, if need be, have patience if you find any snags or nuicances regarding this matter, most likely there will be the odd question which we haven't yet covered or documented, so bear with us. And, have fun coding! Edit: Suggestion and licenses on display for crew, I'll give them a couple of hours to read up on this and if no major flaws are detected, y'all get to read them very soon. I'm sorry for the delay, then again, it was a short one! Edit 2: You can get a preview of the licenses here. The license application system is currently under construction. So, it may be unavailable from time to time. This is a test site only, do not apply! (Philip)
October 13 2010 3 minutes
PHPFusion and the Future [Updated]
Besides a few minor problems and false starts, the recent release of v7.01 was a welcome and much needed upgrade and it's that momentum that we want to keep going. We're now at v7.01.01 and work is ongoing. As you can see from the news item below the Dev site is now open to the public and you can participate in v7.02, codename; "The Essential" where the features submission is now open for business. The management structure has also undergone some changes. Following on from the recent Management Team meeting, it has been decided to create the post of Project Manager whose job will be to oversee the project as a whole and to keep it on track. Admittedly, we fell seriously behind in development over the last year or so and we're now hoping to get things moving again. Update The staging site for the testing and configuration of the new merge site is now up and running and can be viewed here.
September 22 2010 7 minutes
PHPFusion v7.01.01 Released
The latest update to v7.01 is now available for download. v7.01.01 Upgrade package v7.01.01 Full package Thanks to user PolarFox for prodviding the fix in setuser.php! Fixed Files: print.phpprofile.phpsetuser.phpincludes/buildlist.phpincludes/infusions_include.phpforum/viewforum.phpforum/viewthread.phpadministration/db_backups.phpadministration/photoalbums.phpadministration/upgrade.php It is strongly recommended you perform a full file and database back up before upgrading! Overwrite all files and run the upgrade script in Admin Panel - System Admin - Upgrade
September 11 2010 1 minutes
Code of Conduct amendment
Today the Code of Conduct has been amended. As per Management Team decision, the following text has been added to paragraph 2.7: "There may be a maximum of four (4) links in your signature. The text in your signature may not contain more than four (4) colours." These changes are effective immediately. If your signature does not comply with the amendment, please edit your signature accordingly as soon as possible.
August 23 2010 1 minute
V6 no longer supported
To coincide with the release of v7.01.00 , we would also like to announce that from today we will no longer be supporting v6. It was a great version in it's time, used and loved by many many people. But, it's now time to move on and look to the future. The v6 forums will be left open for an as yet to be decided period of time for reference only and are closed to new posts. If you require assistance in upgrading your site to the latest version, post your request here.
August 01 2010 2 minutes
PHPFusion v7.01 released
Battle cruiser operational! Oh... The final release of PHPFusion v7.01 is now available. It's already been installed on our main site and no errors occurred so far, although we gave it quite some stress. It's been a long effort due to many changes we decided to integrate based on user and staff suggestions, code and query optimizations and other fine tuning. The first thing you'll see is the changed Admin panel. All settings have been centralized in a new admin page, where you can fine tune your core. Just so you know, the maintenance mode is now placed in the Admin Panel -> Settings -> Security. This information will help you to put your site back online after your upgrade from v7.00.x. As announced, PHPFusion v6 is no longer supported, which means we are not providing an upgrade script from our latest v6 release to v7.01. Unless you completely fell in love with v6, it's about time to kiss it goodbye and move to v7.00.07, then v7.01. We assure you it will be worth the trouble. Just stop by and tell us about your experience with the upgrade. The readme file is in the package and make sure you read it and strictly follow all the instructions step by step, as mentioned. Do it exactly as we tell you to and you will have a new ans shiny PHPFusion v7.01 online. That's it. You can grab the new core from SourceForge.net: > PHPFusion v7.01 [2.7 MB] The package has been updated as of August 2nd, 06:27 GMT. No database changes, just file changes. For details, click 'Read More'. This is the final package update. Any other issues will be fixed in what will be v7.01.01. Note: due to locales being present in v7.01 that were not in v7.00, you need to upload the locale folder in addition to the upgrade.php script before you upgrade. After you have completed the upgrade, you can upload all other files.
August 01 2010 3 minutes
PHPFusion v7.01 RC5
I would like to announce the immediate availability of PHPFusion v7.01 RC5. This is a release candidate and is not fit for production use. You can use this release to test the upcoming v7.01 release. If you find any bugs, please report them in the appropriate forum. Thank you in advance for your help with testing! Download PHPFusion v7.01 RC5 (2.7M As you may notice, we have skipped RC4. Shortly after RC4 was tagged and packaged, we noticed a major bug which rendered it quite useless. We then decided not to release it to the public as a package. You may of course, if you're interested, still pull it from Subversion (tags/7.01-rc4).
July 20 2010 1 minutes
Release date for v7.01; dropping v6 support
Hello all! First of all, let me apologise for the delay in the release of v7.01. Due to unforeseen circumstances in the number of developers and the absence of the active ones, the development of v7.01 got delayed. Fortunately, we have great news for you! On August 1st, 2010, PHPFusion v7.01 is going to be released! We are nearly finished with testing, so expect a solid release on August 1st. With the release of v7.01, however, we are dropping support for PHPFusion v6. PHPFusion v6 is currently quite old and we see no reason so continue to support it. From v7.01 on, we will support each major release for one full cycle. This means that v7.00 will be supported until the release of v8.00, v7.01 will be support until the release of v8.01, and so on. After the release of v7.01, we will be looking ahead to v7.02 and v8.00. You can expect more news about that in the future. For now, I hope you all look forward to v7.01 and would like to see you here on August 1st, to download it! Note: for those who don't know yet, I was formerly known as mistermartin75. I lead the development of PHPFusion together with Starefossen.
July 19 2010 2 minutes
PHPFusion v7.01 Release Candidate 3
After a tough week of intensive testing and bug-fixing the upcoming PHPFusion 7.01 version we are now ready with the next (and hopefully last) Release Candidate version. All bugs and errors should now be fixed but we are still looking for more to be absolutely certain that the final version is as good and flawless as possible. Important: The new Release Candidate version requires a database upgrade which is located in db_updates/db_update 10-06-09.txt. This should be copied into a Custom Page and be previewed, not saved in order to upgrade your database correctly. Please remember that Release Candidate versions are for developers and experienced users who want to help testing the new version. Use it at your own risk. We want everyone who is testing the RC3 version to focus on testing the setup and upgrade from PHPFusion v7.00.xx and PHPFusion v6.01.xx to make sure the upgrade scripts are working correctly. Download PHPFusion v7.01 RC3 - [2.7 MB] - Post any bugs or suspected errors in this thread. Read more for changes from RC2 here.
June 11 2010 9 minutes
PHPFusion v7.01 Release Candidate 2
Hello, everyone! After a lot of work, testing and bug fixing, we present you PHPFusion v7.01 Release Candidate 2. This package is only meant for people willing to help us with the final inspection of v7.01, which we plan to release as soon as possible, and considering everyone is expecting the final result you should aim for a maximum of two weeks of testing. Just to be safe, do not use this package on a production website unless you backup everything before and you are willing to take responsibility for fixing anything going wrong after the update. Report new bugs in: this thread
June 02 2010 3 minutes
Valuable member retired
In our latest Management Team meeting we have come to the conclusion that will have to move along without one of our most valuable leaders that everyone knows as PMM. We have great plans ahead for PHPFusion and that means a lot of action in all departments. Life just comes as it is... so I guess lack of time, probably also lack of a perfect health made PMM rethink his plans because he let us know he won't be able to keep up with all our action so for now we wish him all the best, we thank him for all the contributions and hopefully things will change for the better sometime in the future. PMM, take care of yourself and thank you for all the great stuff!
March 02 2010 1 minutes
Serious Violation
It was recently discovered by a local Turkish member serhat5858 and Soulsmasher that many of his themes were being released by another member as their original work. Upon investigation, the copied theme code was almost exactly the same, in some instances identical, except that the original acknowledgements and copyright information was missing. This will not stand! There is zero tolerance for this kind of violation. As a result of this discovery, the member concerned was sent a warning, the reply to which was extremely dismissive. He has now been permanently banned from all PHPFusion sites, including the NSS sites, and his submissions have been removed. Not to mention his name in the Open Source community as a whole is now worthless. To do this to a person who freely gives so much help and support to anyone who asks is beneath contempt. So, to anyone who's thinking of trying to do the same to make themselves seem a better coder than they actually are, be warned! You will eventually get caught and exposed! It is theft, nothing less. We've been quite courteous and polite in matters like this for a number of years, but we hereby inform you that if you get caught in behaving in such a way, we will take swift actions as soon as we spot it from this day and after. Please note, that AGPL does cover Themes, Infusions etc as well as the whole of PHPFusion, if you as a 3rd party developer breaks the license, you have forfeited the whole license as such. The only requirement the Open Source community asks of anyone wanting to use their code is that you leave any copyright info intact, that's it! Without this one hard and fast rule, the quality of the code gets diluted and lost leaving talented people with no incentive to continue. We understand the overwhelming majority of members would never do this and many thanks to those who have reported such people to us over the years.
March 01 2010 3 minutes
New Serbian NSS
We are pleased to announce the creation of a new National Support Site for Serbia now up and running at: http://www.yu-fusion.org/. This site is run by Goran Vrbask known here as vRBa. As always, we're delighted when a new country joins the PHPFusion universe as it greatly enhances developers and users abilities to work with and get support for PF while in their own language.We trust users from the region will find it a great resource and give it the support it deserves. Everyone here wishes the site all the best and great success.
February 22 2010 1 minutes